Matthew L. Whitaker
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Cited by
Can crystallization of olivine tholeiite give rise to potassic rhyolites?—an experimental investigation
ML Whitaker, H Nekvasil, DH Lindsley, M McCurry
Bulletin of Volcanology 70, 417-434, 2008
The role of pressure in producing compositional diversity in intraplate basaltic magmas
ML Whitaker, H Nekvasil, DH Lindsley, NJ Difrancesco
Journal of Petrology 48 (2), 365-393, 2007
Thermal equation of state of Mg3Al2Si3O12 pyrope garnet up to 19 GPa and 1,700 K
Y Zou, S Gréaux, T Irifune, ML Whitaker, T Shinmei, Y Higo
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39 (7), 589-598, 2012
Elasticity and sound velocities of polycrystalline Mg3Al2 (SiO4) 3 garnet up to 20 GPa and 1700 K
Y Zou, T Irifune, S Gréaux, ML Whitaker, T Shinmei, H Ohfuji, R Negishi, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (1), 2012
Melting of the Martian mantle from 1.0 to 4.5 GPa
KN Matsukage, Y Nagayo, ML Whitaker, E Takahashi, T Kawasaki
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 108 (4), 201-214, 2013
Deformation T-Cup: A new multi-anvil apparatus for controlled strain-rate deformation experiments at pressures above 18 GPa
SA Hunt, DJ Weidner, RJ McCormack, ML Whitaker, E Bailey, L Li, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (8), 2014
Experimental and theoretical studies on the elasticity of molybdenum to 12 GPa
W Liu, Q Liu, ML Whitaker, Y Zhao, B Li
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (4), 2009
Acoustic velocities and elastic properties of pyrite (FeS2) to 9.6 GPa
ML Whitaker, W Liu, L Wang, B Li
Journal of Earth Science 21, 792-800, 2010
Thermoelasticity of ε-FeSi to 8 GPa and 1273 K
ML Whitaker, W Liu, Q Liu, L Wang, B Li
American Mineralogist 94 (7), 1039-1044, 2009
Spin transition, substitution, and partitioning of iron in lower mantle minerals
K Fujino, D Nishio-Hamane, T Nagai, Y Seto, Y Kuwayama, M Whitaker, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 228, 186-191, 2014
An experimental investigation of the relative strength of the silica polymorphs quartz, coesite, and stishovite
SA Hunt, ML Whitaker, E Bailey, E Mariani, CV Stan, DP Dobson
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (4), 1975-1989, 2019
Making tissintite: Mimicking meteorites in the multi-anvil
MJ Rucks, ML Whitaker, TD Glotch, JB Parise, SJ Jaret, T Catalano, ...
American Mineralogist 103 (9), 1516-1519, 2018
Combined in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and ultrasonic interferometry study of ϵ-FeSi at high pressure
ML Whitaker, W Liu, Q Liu, L Wang, B Li
High Pressure Research 28 (3), 385-395, 2008
DIASCoPE: Directly integrated acoustic system combined with pressure experiments—A new method for fast acoustic velocity measurements at high pressure
ML Whitaker, KJ Baldwin, WR Huebsch
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (3), 2017
Thermal equation of state of CaIrO3 post-perovskite
W Liu, ML Whitaker, Q Liu, L Wang, N Nishiyama, Y Wang, A Kubo, ...
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 38 (5), 407-417, 2011
Compressional and shear wave velocities of Fe2SiO4 spinel at high pressure and high temperature
Q Liu, W Liu, ML Whitaker, L Wang, B Li
High Pressure Research 28 (3), 405-413, 2008
Potential magmatic diversity on Mars
ML Whitaker, H Nekvasil, DH Lindsley
36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1440, 2005
Unconventional high-pressure Raman spectroscopy study of kinetic and peak pressure effects in plagioclase feldspars
M Sims, SJ Jaret, JR Johnson, ML Whitaker, TD Glotch
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 47, 1-10, 2020
Ultrasonic acoustic velocities during partial melting of a mantle Peridotite KLB‐1
DJ Weidner, L Li, ML Whitaker, R Triplett
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (2), 1252-1261, 2018
Initial Acoustoelastic Measurements in Olivine: Investigating the Effect of Stress on P‐ and S‐Wave Velocities
TK Traylor, PC Burnley, ML Whitaker
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (11), e2021JB022494, 2021
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