George Y. Chen
Cited by
Cited by
Photothermal materials: A key platform enabling highly efficient water evaporation driven by solar energy
X Wu, GY Chen, G Owens, D Chu, H Xu
Materials Today Energy 12, 277-296, 2019
Cleaning of oil fouling with water enabled by Zwitterionic polyelectrolyte coatings: Overcoming the Imperative Challenge of Oil–Water Separation Membranes
K He, H Duan, GY Chen, X Liu, W Yang, D and Wang
ACS Nano 9 (9), 9188-9198, 2015
Same materials, bigger output: a reversibly transformable 2D-3D photothermal evaporator for highly efficient solar steam generation
Y Wang, X Wu, T Gao, Y Lu, X Yang, GY Chen, G Owens, H Xu
Nano Energy 79, 2020
Optical Fiber Sensors: Advanced Techniques and Applications
G Rajan
CRC press, 2015
A Plant-transpiration-process-inspired strategy for highly efficient solar evaporation
W Xuan, GY Chen, W Zhang, X Liu, H Xu
Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2017
Stackable nickel-cobalt@polydopamine nanosheet based photothermal sponges for highly efficient solar steam generation
B Shao, Y Wang, X Wu, GY Chen, G Owens, H Xu
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020
Evaporation above a bulk water surface using an oil Lamp inspired highly efficient solar-steam generation strategy
X Wu, L Wu, J Tan, GY Chen, G Owens, H and Xu
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018
Highly Transparent and Self‐Healable Solar Thermal Anti‐/Deicing Surfaces: When Ultrathin MXene Multilayers Marry a Solid Slippery Self‐Cleaning Coating
W Niu, GY Chen, H Xu, X Liu, J Sun
Advanced Materials 34 (10), 2108232, 2022
Self-corrected chip-based dual-comb spectrometer
NB Hébert, J Genest, JD Deschênes, H Bergeron, GY Chen, C Khurmi, ...
Optics Express 25 (17), 8168-8179, 2017
A review of microfiber and nanofiber based optical sensors
GY Chen, M Ding, T Newson, G Brambilla
The Open Optics Journal 7 (1), 2013
Substrate-Independent, Transparent Oil- Repellent Coatings with Self-Healing and Persistent Easy-Sliding Oil Repellency
L Yu, GY Chen, H Xu, X Liu
ACS Nano 10 (1), 1073-1085, 2016
Screening of endocrine disrupting potential of surface waters via an affinity-based biosensor in a rural community in the yellow river basin, China
J Tan, L Liu, F Li, Z Chen, GY Chen, F Fang, J Guo, M He, X Zhou
Environmental Science & Technology, 2022
Review of Optical Humidity Sensors
X Rao, L Zhao, L Xu, Y Wang, K Liu, Y Wang, GY Chen, T Liu, Y Wang
Sensors 21 (23), 8049, 2021
Ultrafast colorimetric humidity-sensitive polyelectrolyte coating for touchless control
L Yu, H Xu, TM Monro, DG Lancaster, Y Xie, H Zeng, GY Chen*, X Liu*
Materials Horizons 4 (1), 72-82, 2017
Mechanically Strong and Highly Stiff Supramolecular Polymer Composites Repairable at Ambient Conditions
J Zhu, GY Chen, L Yu, H Xu, X Liu, J Sun
CCS Chemistry, 2020
An AuNPs/mesoporous NiO/nickel foam nanocomposite as a miniaturized electrode for heavy metal detection in groundwater
B Xue, Q Yang, K Xia, Z Li, GY Chen, D Zhang, X Zhou
Engineering, 2022
Femtosecond-laser-written Microstructured Waveguides in BK7 Glass
GY Chen, F Piantedosi, D Otten, YQ Kang, WQ Zhang, X Zhou, TM Monro, ...
Scientific Reports 8, 10377, 2018
Theoretical and experimental demonstrations of a microfiber-based flexural disc accelerometer
GY Chen, XL Zhang, G Brambilla, TP Newson
Optics letters 36 (18), 3669-3671, 2011
Ultra-fast hygrometer based on U-shaped optical microfiber with nanoporous polyelectrolyte coating
GY Chen, X Wu, YQ Kang, L Yu, TM Monro, DG Lancaster, X Liu, H Xu
Scientific Reports 7, 7943, 2017
Optical microfibers for fast current sensing
GY Chen, TP Newson, G Brambilla
Optical Fiber Technology 19 (6), 802-807, 2013
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Articles 1–20