Stephen Remillard
Stephen Remillard
Hope College, Holland, MI USA
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Cited by
Stripline resonator using high-temperature superconductor components
SK Remillard, JD Hodge
US Patent 6,021,337, 2000
Electrochemical Synthesis of Novel Zn-Doped TiO2 Nanotube/ZnO Nanoflake Heterostructure with Enhanced DSSC Efficiency
A John K, J Naduvath, S Mallick, JW Pledger, SK Remillard, PA DeYoung, ...
Nano-Micro Letters 8, 381-387, 2016
Three-tone intermodulation distortion generated by superconducting bandpass filters
SK Remillard, H Yi, A Abdelmonem
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 13 (3), 3797-3802, 2003
High-temperature superconducting multi-band radio-frequency metamaterial atoms
BG Ghamsari, J Abrahams, S Remillard, SM Anlage
Applied Physics Letters 102 (1), 2013
Effect of LaAlO3 twin-domain topology on local dc and microwave properties of cuprate films
AP Zhuravel, SM Anlage, SK Remillard, AV Lukashenko, AV Ustinov
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (3), 2010
Zinc-doped iron oxide nanostructures for enhanced photocatalytic and antimicrobial applications
JA Joseph, SB Nair, SS John, SK Remillard, S Shaji, RR Philip
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 51, 521-538, 2021
Imaging the Anisotropic Nonlinear Meissner Effect in Nodal <?format ?>Thin-Film Superconductors
AP Zhuravel, BG Ghamsari, C Kurter, P Jung, S Remillard, J Abrahams, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (8), 087002, 2013
High-temperature superconducting spiral resonator for metamaterial applications
BG Ghamsari, J Abrahams, S Remillard, SM Anlage
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 23 (3), 1500304-1500304, 2012
A simple method to fabricate metal doped TiO2 nanotubes
KA John, J Naduvath, SK Remillard, S Shaji, PA DeYoung, ZT Kellner, ...
Chemical Physics 523, 198-204, 2019
Low temperature thermopower and electrical conductivity in highly conductive CuInO 2 thin films
BG Nair, GS Okram, J Naduvath, T Shripathi, A Fatima, T Patel, R Jacob, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (33), 6765-6772, 2014
A novel ultra-compact resonator for superconducting thin-film filters
HR Yi, SK Remillard, A Abdelmonem
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 51 (12), 2290-2296, 2003
Using a re-entrant microwave resonator to measure and model the dielectric breakdown electric field of gases
SK Remillard, A Hardaway, B Mork, J Gilliland, J Gibbs
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 15, 175-195, 2009
Electromagnetic resonator
SK Remillard, DE Richied, EA Freeman, N Ortenberg, P Winandy, ...
US Patent 6,208,227, 2001
The microwave surface impedance of granular high TC superconductors in dc magnetic fields: Its relationship to frequency dependence
SK Remillard, ME Reeves, FJ Rachford, SA Wolf
Journal of applied physics 75 (8), 4103-4108, 1994
A superconducting thin film filter of very high wide-band rejection
HR Yi, SK Remillard, A Abdelmonem
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2003 3, 1893-1896, 2003
Field deployable microwave filters made from superconductive thick films
SK Remillard, A Abdelmonem, PO Radzikowski, ND Lazzaro, ...
Journal of superconductivity 14 (1), 47-56, 2001
Properties and applications of thick film high temperature superconductors
TW Button, PA Smith, G Dolman, C Meggs, SK Remillard, JD Hodge, ...
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 44 (7), 1356-1360, 1996
Highly conductive n-and p-type CuInO thin films by reactive evaporation
SA Mary, BG Nair, J Naduvath, GS Okram, SK Remillard, PV Sreenivasan, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 600, 159-161, 2014
Collision and diffusion in microwave breakdown of nitrogen gas in and around microgaps
JD Campbell, A Bowman, GT Lenters, SK Remillard
AIP Advances 4 (1), 2014
A closed slot-line resonator filter
SK Remillard, PO Radzikowski, S Cordone, DS Applegate, A Mehrotra, ...
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 14 (5), 234-236, 2004
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Articles 1–20