Clemens Grunbuhel
Clemens Grunbuhel
Rural Systems Research Services
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Cited by
Social metabolism and labour in a local context: Changing environmental relations on Trinket Island
SJ Singh, CM Grünbühel, H Schandl, N Schulz
Population and Environment 23, 71-104, 2001
Global environmental change and historical transitions
H Weisz, M Fischer-Kowalski, CM Grünbühel, H Haberl, F Krausmann, ...
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 14 (2), 117-142, 2001
Socioeconomic metabolism and colonization of natural processes in Sangsaeng village: material and energy flows, land use, and cultural change in Northeast Thailand
CM Grünbühel, H Haberl, H Schandl, V Winiwarter
Human Ecology 31, 53-86, 2003
Towards an understanding of long-term ecosystem dynamics by merging socio-economic and environmental research: criteria for long-term socio-ecological research sites selection
C Ohl, K Krauze, C Grünbühel
Ecological Economics 63 (2-3), 383-391, 2007
Constraints to the capacity of smallholder farming households to adapt to climate change in South and Southeast Asia
PR Brown, S Afroz, L Chialue, T Chiranjeevi, S El, CM Grünbühel, I Khan, ...
Climate and Development 11 (5), 383-400, 2019
Influence of indigenous spiritual beliefs on natural resource management and ecological conservation in Thailand
P Chunhabunyatip, N Sasaki, C Grünbühel, JKM Kuwornu, TW Tsusaka
Sustainability 10 (8), 2842, 2018
Socio-metabolic transitions in developing Asia
H Schandl, M Fischer-Kowalski, C Grunbuhel, F Krausmann
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 76 (2), 267-281, 2009
Handbook of Physical Accounting. Measuring bio-physical dimensions of socio-economic activities
H Schandl, CM Grünbühel, H Haberl, H Weisz
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Austrian Universities, 2002
Sociometabolic transitions in subsistence communities: Boserup revisited in four comparative case studies
M Fischer-Kowalski, SJ Singh, C Lauk, A Remesch, L Ringhofer, ...
Human Ecology Review, 147-158, 2011
Material flow accounting in Amazonia: a tool for sustainable development
C Amann, W Bruckner, M Fischer-Kowalski, C Grünbühel
Inst. for Interdisciplinary Studies at Austrian Universities, Department of …, 2002
Collective management of water resources in Coastal Bangladesh: formal and substantive approaches
S Afroz, R Cramb, C Grunbuhel
Human Ecology 44, 17-31, 2016
Using land-time-budgets to analyse farming systems and poverty alleviation policies in the Lao PDR
CM Grunbuhel, H Schandl
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 5 (3-4), 142-180, 2005
Handbook of Physical Accounting: Measuring Bio-Physical Dimensions of Socio-economic Activities; MFA, EFA, HANPP
H Schandl, CM Grünbühel, H Haberl, H Weisz
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management, 2002
Conceptualising long-term socio-ecological research (LTSER): Integrating the social dimension
SJ Singh, H Haberl, V Gaube, CM Grünbühel, P Lisivieveci, J Lutz, ...
Long-term ecological research: between theory and application, 377-398, 2010
Critical challenges to consultants in pursuing quality of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) in Cambodia
S Chanthy, CM Grünbühel
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 33 (3), 226-232, 2015
Household types as a tool to understand adaptive capacity: Case studies from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Bangladesh and India
LJ Williams, S Afroz, PR Brown, L Chialue, CM Grünbühel, T Jakimow, ...
Climate and Development 8 (5), 423-434, 2016
Ideals and institutions: Systemic reasons for the failure of a social forestry program in south-west Bangladesh
S Afroz, R Cramb, C Grünbühel
Geoforum 77, 161-173, 2016
Environmental relations and biophysical transition: the case of Trinket Island
SJ Singh, CM Grünbühel
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 85 (4), 191-208, 2003
The introduction of oil palm in Northeast Thailand: A new cash crop for smallholders?
S Somnuek, MMA Slingerland, CM Grünbühel
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 57 (1), 76-90, 2016
Exclusion and Counter‐exclusion: The Struggle over Shrimp Farming in a Coastal Village in Bangladesh
S Afroz, R Cramb, C Grünbühel
Development and Change 48 (4), 692-720, 2017
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Articles 1–20