Nora Patricia Ortega Achury
Nora Patricia Ortega Achury
Adjunct Faculty - Chesapeake College
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Impedance spectroscopy of multiferroic layered thin films
N Ortega, A Kumar, P Bhattacharya, SB Majumder, RS Katiyar
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (1), 014111, 2008
Multifunctional Magnetoelectric Materials for Device Applications.
JFSRSK N. Ortega, A. Kumar
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27 (50), 504002, 2015
Relaxor-ferroelectric superlattices: high energy density capacitors
RSK N Ortega, A Kumar, JF Scott, Douglas B Chrisey, M Tomazawa, Shalini ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (44), 445901, 2012
Magnetic switching of ferroelectric domains at room temperature in multiferroic PZTFT
DM Evans, A Schilling, A Kumar, D Sanchez, N Ortega, M Arredondo, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1534, 2013
Giant pyroelectric energy harvesting and a negative electrocaloric effect in multilayered nanostructures
CRBRSK Gaurav Vats, Ashok Kumar, N. Ortega
Energy Environ. Sci, 2016
Room-temperature single phase multiferroic magnetoelectrics: Pb (Fe, M) x (Zr, Ti)(1− x) O3 [M= Ta, Nb]
DA Sanchez, N Ortega, A Kumar, G Sreenivasulu, RS Katiyar, JF Scott, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (7), 2013
Symmetries and multiferroic properties of novel room-temperature magnetoelectrics: lead iron tantalate–lead zirconate titanate (PFT/PZT)
DA Sanchez, N Ortega, A Kumar, R Roque-Malherbe, R Polanco, JF Scott, ...
Aip Advances 1 (4), 2011
Multiferroic properties of Pb (Zr, Ti) O3∕ CoFe2O4 composite thin films
N Ortega, P Bhattacharya, RS Katiyar, P Dutta, A Manivannan, MS Seehra, ...
Journal of applied physics 100 (12), 2006
Divide line between relaxor, diffused ferroelectric, ferroelectric and dielectric
I Rivera, A Kumar, N Ortega, RS Katiyar, S Lushnikov
Solid State Communications 149 (3-4), 172-176, 2009
Maxwell-Wagner space charge effects on the Pb (Zr, Ti) O3–CoFe2O4 multilayers
N Ortega, A Kumar, RS Katiyar, JF Scott
Applied physics letters 91 (10), 2007
Dielectric Anomalies due to Grain Boundary Conduction in Chemically Substituted BiFeO3
RSK Shalini Kumari, N. Ortega, A. Kumar, S. P. Pavunny, Jeremiah W. Hubbard ...
J. Appl. Phys. 117, 114102, 2015
The nature of magnetoelectric coupling in Pb (Zr, Ti) O3Pb (Fe, ta) O3
DM Evans, M Alexe, A Schilling, A Kumar, D Sanchez, N Ortega, ...
Dynamic magneto-electric multiferroics PZT/CFO multilayered nanostructure
N Ortega, A Kumar, RS Katiyar, C Rinaldi
Journal of materials science 44, 5127-5142, 2009
Effect of periodicity and composition in artificial BaTiO/(Ba,Sr)TiO superlattices
N Ortega, A Kumar, OA Maslova, YI Yuzyuk, JF Scott, RS Katiyar
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (14), 144108, 2011
Near-room temperature relaxor multiferroic
DA Sanchez, A Kumar, N Ortega, RS Katiyar, JF Scott
Applied Physics Letters 97 (20), 2010
Enhanced ferroelectric properties of multilayer SrBi2Ta2O9/SrBi2Nb2O9 thin films for NVRAM applications
N Ortega, P Bhattacharya, RS Katiyar
Materials Science and Engineering: B 130 (1-3), 36-40, 2006
Compositional engineering of BaTiO3/(Ba, Sr) TiO3 ferroelectric superlattices
N Ortega, A Kumar, O Resto, OA Maslova, YI Yuzyuk, JF Scott, RS Katiyar
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (10), 2013
Studies of the Room‐Temperature Multiferroic Pb(Fe0.5Ta0.5)0.4(Zr0.53Ti0.47)0.6O3: Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy, Dielectric, and Magnetic …
J Schiemer, MA Carpenter, DM Evans, JM Gregg, A Schilling, ...
Advanced functional materials 24 (20), 2993-3002, 2014
Elastic and magnetoelastic relaxation behaviour of multiferroic (ferromagnetic+ ferroelectric+ ferroelastic) Pb (Fe0. 5Nb0. 5) O3 perovskite
MA Carpenter, JA Schiemer, I Lascu, RJ Harrison, A Kumar, RS Katiyar, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (28), 285901, 2015
Thickness dependent functional properties of PbZr0. 52Ti0. 48O3/La0. 67Sr0. 33MnO3 heterostructures
D Barrionuevo, N Ortega, A Kumar, R Chatterjee, JF Scott, RS Katiyar
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (23), 2013
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Articles 1–20