Direct evidence for neutrino flavor transformation from neutral-current interactions in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory QR Ahmad, RC Allen, TC Andersen, JD Anglin, JC Barton, EW Beier, ... Physical review letters 89 (1), 011301, 2002 | 5983 | 2002 |
Results from a search for dark matter in the complete LUX exposure DS Akerib, S Alsum, HM Araújo, X Bai, AJ Bailey, J Balajthy, P Beltrame, ... Physical review letters 118 (2), 021303, 2017 | 2397 | 2017 |
First results from the LUX dark matter experiment at the Sanford Underground Research Facility DS Akerib, HM Araújo, X Bai, AJ Bailey, J Balajthy, S Bedikian, E Bernard, ... Physical review letters 112 (9), 091303, 2014 | 2276 | 2014 |
Measurement of day and night neutrino energy spectra at SNO and constraints on neutrino mixing parameters QR Ahmad, RC Allen, TC Andersen, JD Anglin, JC Barton, EW Beier, ... Physical Review Letters 89 (1), 011302, 2002 | 1584 | 2002 |
Measurement of the Total Active Solar Neutrino Flux at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory with Enhanced Neutral Current Sensitivity SN Ahmed, AE Anthony, EW Beier, A Bellerive, SD Biller, J Boger, ... Physical review letters 92 (18), 181301, 2004 | 1344 | 2004 |
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Improved limits on scattering of weakly interacting massive particles from reanalysis of 2013 LUX data DS Akerib, HM Araújo, X Bai, AJ Bailey, J Balajthy, P Beltrame, ... Physical review letters 116 (16), 161301, 2016 | 615 | 2016 |
The large underground xenon (LUX) experiment DS Akerib, X Bai, S Bedikian, E Bernard, A Bernstein, A Bolozdynya, ... Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2013 | 513 | 2013 |
130Te neutrinoless double-beta decay with CUORICINO E Andreotti, C Arnaboldi, FT Avignone Iii, M Balata, I Bandac, M Barucci, ... Astroparticle Physics 34 (11), 822-831, 2011 | 390 | 2011 |
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Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross section obtained from the complete LUX exposure DS Akerib, S Alsum, HM Araújo, X Bai, AJ Bailey, J Balajthy, P Beltrame, ... Physical review letters 118 (25), 251302, 2017 | 351 | 2017 |
Results on the spin-dependent scattering of weakly interacting massive particles on nucleons from the run 3 data of the LUX experiment DS Akerib, HM Araújo, X Bai, AJ Bailey, J Balajthy, P Beltrame, ... Physical Review Letters 116 (16), 161302, 2016 | 280 | 2016 |
Determination of the and total solar neutrino fluxes using the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Phase I data set B Aharmim, QR Ahmad, SN Ahmed, RC Allen, TC Andersen, JD Anglin, ... Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 75 (4), 045502, 2007 | 272 | 2007 |
The lux-zeplin (lz) experiment DS Akerib, CW Akerlof, DY Akimov, A Alquahtani, SK Alsum, TJ Anderson, ... Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020 | 262 | 2020 |
Search for long-lived particles in final states with displaced dimuon vertices in collisions at with the ATLAS detector M Aaboud, G Aad, B Abbott, O Abdinov, B Abeloos, DK Abhayasinghe, ... Physical Review D 99 (1), 012001, 2019 | 232* | 2019 |
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) conceptual design report DS Akerib, CW Akerlof, DY Akimov, SK Alsum, HM Araújo, X Bai, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.02910, 2015 | 218 | 2015 |
Searching for Neutrinoless Double‐Beta Decay of 130Te with CUORE DR Artusa, FT Avignone III, O Azzolini, M Balata, TI Banks, G Bari, ... Advances in High Energy Physics 2015 (1), 879871, 2015 | 215 | 2015 |
Results of a search for sub-GeV dark matter using 2013 LUX data DS Akerib, S Alsum, HM Araújo, X Bai, J Balajthy, P Beltrame, EP Bernard, ... Physical review letters 122 (13), 131301, 2019 | 209 | 2019 |
Determining the neutrino mass with cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy—Project 8 AA Esfahani, DM Asner, S Böser, R Cervantes, C Claessens, ... Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 44 (5), 054004, 2017 | 208 | 2017 |