Y T Feng
Y T Feng
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Coupled lattice Boltzmann method and discrete element modelling of particle transport in turbulent fluid flows: Computational issues
YT Feng, K Han, DRJ Owen
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 72 (9), 1111-1134, 2007
An efficient framework for fluid–structure interaction using the lattice Boltzmann method and immersed moving boundaries
DRJ Owen, CR Leonardi, YT Feng
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 87 (1‐5), 66-95, 2011
Filling domains with disks: an advancing front approach
YT Feng, K Han, DRJ Owen
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 56 (5), 699-713, 2003
The modelling of multi‐fracturing solids and particulate media
DRJ Owen, YT Feng, EA de Souza Neto, MG Cottrell, F Wang, ...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 60 (1), 317-339, 2004
Discrete element modelling of large scale particle systems—I: exact scaling laws
YT Feng, DRJ Owen
Computational Particle Mechanics 1, 159-168, 2014
Modeling of alkali-silica reaction in concrete: a review
JW Pan, YT Feng, JT Wang, QC Sun, CH Zhang, DRJ Owen
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 6, 1-18, 2012
Sphere packing with a geometric based compression algorithm
K Han, YT Feng, DRJ Owen
Powder Technology 155 (1), 33-41, 2005
Coupled lattice Boltzmann and discrete element modelling of fluid–particle interaction problems
K Han, YT Feng, DRJ Owen
Computers & structures 85 (11-14), 1080-1088, 2007
Energy-conserving contact interaction models for arbitrarily shaped discrete elements
YT Feng, K Han, DRJ Owen
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 205, 169-177, 2012
Discrete thermal element modelling of heat conduction in particle systems: Basic formulations
YT Feng, K Han, CF Li, DRJ Owen
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (10), 5072-5089, 2008
On upscaling of discrete element models: similarity principles
YT Feng, K Han, DRJ Owen, J Loughran
Engineering Computations 26 (6), 599-609, 2009
Combined three‐dimensional lattice Boltzmann method and discrete element method for modelling fluid–particle interactions with experimental assessment
YT Feng, K Han, DRJ Owen
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 81 (2), 229-245, 2010
A phase-field model for mixed-mode fracture based on a unified tensile fracture criterion
Q Wang, YT Feng, W Zhou, Y Cheng, G Ma
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 370, 113270, 2020
Discrete element simulation of the dynamics of high energy planetary ball milling processes
YT Feng, K Han, DRJ Owen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 375, 815-819, 2004
On the determination of the path direction for arc-length methods in the presence of bifurcations andsnap-backs'
EA de Souza Neto, YT Feng
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 179 (1-2), 81-89, 1999
A new criterion for determination of initial loading parameter in arc-length methods
YT Feng, D Perić, DRJ Owen
Computers & structures 58 (3), 479-485, 1996
A 2D polygon/polygon contact model: algorithmic aspects
YT Feng, DRJ Owen
Engineering Computations 21 (2/3/4), 265-277, 2004
Discrete element modelling of flexible membrane boundaries for triaxial tests
T Qu, YT Feng, Y Wang, M Wang
Computers and Geotechnics 115, 103154, 2019
Parallelised finite/discrete element simulation of multi‐fracturing solids and discrete systems
DRJ Owen, YT Feng
Engineering computations 18 (3/4), 557-576, 2001
A discrete particle model and numerical modeling of the failure modes of granular materials
X Li, X Chu, YT Feng
Engineering Computations 22 (8), 894-920, 2005
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Articles 1–20