Adam Zemla
Adam Zemla
Computer Scientist, LLNL
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Cited by
LGA: a method for finding 3D similarities in protein structures
A Zemla
Nucleic acids research 31 (13), 3370-3374, 2003
A phylogeny-driven genomic encyclopaedia of Bacteria and Archaea
D Wu, P Hugenholtz, K Mavromatis, R Pukall, E Dalin, NN Ivanova, ...
Nature 462 (7276), 1056-1060, 2009
A modified definition of Sov, a segment‐based measure for protein secondary structure prediction assessment
A Zemla, Č Venclovas, K Fidelis, B Rost
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 34 (2), 220-223, 1999
Processing and analysis of CASP3 protein structure predictions
A Zemla, Č Venclovas, J Moult, K Fidelis
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 37 (S3), 22-29, 1999
Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)‐round V
J Moult, K Fidelis, A Zemla, T Hubbard
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 53 (S6), 334-339, 2003
A study of quality measures for protein threading models
S Cristobal, A Zemla, D Fischer, L Rychlewski, A Elofsson
BMC bioinformatics 2, 1-15, 2001
MvirDB—a microbial database of protein toxins, virulence factors and antibiotic resistance genes for bio-defence applications
CE Zhou, J Smith, M Lam, A Zemla, MD Dyer, T Slezak
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl_1), D391-D394, 2007
Antibody elbow angles are influenced by their light chain class
RL Stanfield, A Zemla, IA Wilson, B Rupp
Journal of molecular biology 357 (5), 1566-1574, 2006
Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP): round IV
J Moult, K Fidelis, A Zemla, T Hubbard
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 45 (S5), 2-7, 2001
Community genomic and proteomic analyses of chemoautotrophic iron-oxidizing “Leptospirillum rubarum”(Group II) and “Leptospirillum ferrodiazotrophum”(Group III) bacteria in …
DSA Goltsman, VJ Denef, SW Singer, NC VerBerkmoes, M Lefsrud, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 75 (13), 4599-4615, 2009
Improved protein–ligand binding affinity prediction with structure-based deep fusion inference
D Jones, H Kim, X Zhang, A Zemla, G Stevenson, WFD Bennett, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 61 (4), 1583-1592, 2021
Processing and evaluation of predictions in CASP4
A Zemla, Č Venclovas, J Moult, K Fidelis
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 45 (S5), 13-21, 2001
Microbial mercury methylation in Antarctic sea ice
CM Gionfriddo, MT Tate, RR Wick, MB Schultz, A Zemla, MP Thelen, ...
Nature microbiology 1 (10), 1-12, 2016
Assessment of progress over the CASP experiments
C Venclovas, A Zemla, K Fidelis, J Moult
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 53 (S6), 585-595, 2003
Comparative genomics tools applied to bioterrorism defence
T Slezak, T Kuczmarski, L Ott, C Torres, D Medeiros, J Smith, B Truitt, ...
Briefings in bioinformatics 4 (2), 133-149, 2003
The crystal structures of EAP domains from Staphylococcus aureus reveal an unexpected homology to bacterial superantigens
BV Geisbrecht, BY Hamaoka, B Perman, A Zemla, DJ Leahy
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (17), 17243-17250, 2005
The other 90% of the protein: Assessment beyond the Cαs for CASP8 template‐based and high‐accuracy models
DA Keedy, CJ Williams, JJ Headd, WB Arendall III, VB Chen, GJ Kapral, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77 (S9), 29-49, 2009
Comparison of performance in successive CASP experiments
Č Venclovas, A Zemla, K Fidelis, J Moult
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 45 (S5), 163-170, 2001
The TB structural genomics consortium crystallization facility: towards automation from protein to electron density
B Rupp, BW Segelke, HI Krupka, T Lekin, J Schäfer, A Zemla, D Toppani, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 58 (10), 1514-1518, 2002
Rapid development of nucleic acid diagnostics
JP Fitch, SN Gardner, TA Kuczmarski, S Kurtz, R Myers, LL Ott, TR Slezak, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 90 (11), 1708-1721, 2002
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Articles 1–20