Shady Attia 阿蒂亚
Shady Attia 阿蒂亚
University of Liège
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Simulation-based decision support tool for early stages of zero-energy building design
S Attia, E Gratia, A De Herde, JLM Hensen
Energy and buildings 49, 2-15, 2012
Assessing gaps and needs for integrating building performance optimization tools in net zero energy buildings design
S Attia, M Hamdy, W O’Brien, S Carlucci
Energy and Buildings 60, 110-124, 2013
Overview and future challenges of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) design in Southern Europe
S Attia, P Eleftheriou, F Xeni, R Morlot, C Ménézo, V Kostopoulos, M Betsi, ...
Energy and Buildings 155, 439-458, 2017
" Architect friendly": a comparison of ten different building performance simulation tools
SG Attia, L Beltrán, A De Herde, JLM Hensen
11th International IBPSA Building Simulation Conference (BS 2009), July 27 …, 2009
Selection criteria for building performance simulation tools: contrasting architects' and engineers' needs
S Attia, JLM Hensen, L Beltrán, A De Herde
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 5 (3), 155-169, 2012
Current trends and future challenges in the performance assessment of adaptive façade systems
S Attia, S Bilir, T Safy, C Struck, R Loonen, F Goia
Energy and Buildings 179, 165-182, 2018
Impact of different thermal comfort models on zero energy residential buildings in hot climate
S Attia, S Carlucci
Energy and Buildings 102, 117-128, 2015
Development of benchmark models for the Egyptian residential buildings sector
S Attia, A Evrard, E Gratia
Applied Energy 94, 270-284, 2012
Resilient cooling of buildings to protect against heat waves and power outages: Key concepts and definition
S Attia, R Levinson, E Ndongo, P Holzer, OB Kazanci, S Homaei, C Zhang, ...
Energy and Buildings 239, 110869, 2021
Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB): Concepts, Frameworks and Roadmap for Project Analysis and Implementation
S Attia
Elsevier 1, 402, 2018
Resilient cooling strategies–A critical review and qualitative assessment
C Zhang, OB Kazanci, R Levinson, P Heiselberg, BW Olesen, G Chiesa, ...
Energy and Buildings 251, 111312, 2021
Evaluation of adaptive facades: The case study of Al Bahr Towers in the UAE
S Attia
QScience Connect 2017 (2), 6, 2017
Regenerative and positive impact architecture: Learning from case studies
S Attia
SpringerBriefs in Energy, 2018
Towards regenerative and positive impact architecture: A comparison of two net zero energy buildings
S Attia
Sustainable Cities and Society 26, 393-406, 2016
State of the art of existing early design simulation tools for net zero energy buildings: a comparison of ten tools
S Attia
Architecture et climat, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium, 2011
Future trends and main concepts of adaptive facade systems
S Attia, R Lioure, Q Declaude
Energy Science & Engineering 8 (9), 3255-3272, 2020
Early design simulation tools for net zero energy buildings: a comparison of ten tools
S Attia, A De Herde
International Building Performance Simulation Association 2011, 2011
Development of a new adaptive comfort model for low income housing in the central-south of Chile
A Pérez-Fargallo, JA Pulido-Arcas, C Rubio-Bellido, M Trebilcock, ...
Energy and Buildings 178, 94-106, 2018
The ‘architect-friendliness’ of six building performance simulation tools: A comparative study
L Weytjens, S Attia, G Verbeeck, A De Herde
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban …, 2011
Occupant-Facade interaction: a review and classification scheme
A Luna-Navarro, R Loonen, M Juaristi, A Monge-Barrio, S Attia, ...
Building and Environment 177, 106880, 2020
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