Joseph Nilsen
Joseph Nilsen
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Gain saturation regime for laser-driven tabletop, transient Ni-like ion x-ray lasers
J Dunn, Y Li, AL Osterheld, J Nilsen, JR Hunter, VN Shlyaptsev
Physical Review Letters 84 (21), 4834, 2000
Prepulse technique for producing low-Z Ne-like x-ray lasers
J Nilsen, BJ MacGowan, LB Da Silva, JC Moreno
Physical Review A 48 (6), 4682, 1993
A saturated x-ray laser beam at 7 nanometers
J Zhang, AG MacPhee, J Lin, E Wolfrum, R Smith, C Danson, MH Key, ...
Science 276 (5315), 1097-1100, 1997
Demonstration of saturation in a Ni-like Ag x-ray laser at 14 nm
J Zhang, AG MacPhee, J Nilsen, J Lin, TW Barbee Jr, C Danson, MH Key, ...
Physical review letters 78 (20), 3856, 1997
Demonstration of a narrow-divergence x-ray laser in neonlike titanium
T Boehly, M Russotto, RS Craxton, R Epstein, B Yaakobi, LB Da Silva, ...
Physical Review A 42 (11), 6962, 1990
Picosecond x-ray laser interferometry of dense plasmas
RF Smith, J Dunn, J Nilsen, VN Shlyaptsev, S Moon, J Filevich, JJ Rocca, ...
Physical Review Letters 89 (6), 065004, 2002
A measurement of the equation of state of carbon envelopes of white dwarfs
AL Kritcher, DC Swift, T Döppner, B Bachmann, LX Benedict, GW Collins, ...
Nature 584 (7819), 51-54, 2020
Laser with dynamic holographic intracavity distortion correction capability
M Cronin‐Golomb, B Fischer, J Nilsen, JO White, A Yariv
Applied Physics Letters 41 (3), 219-220, 1982
Saturated output of a Ge X X I I I x-ray laser at 19.6 nm
J Zhang, PJ Warwick, E Wolfrum, MH Key, C Danson, A Demir, S Healy, ...
Physical Review A 54 (6), R4653, 1996
Traveling wave excitation and amplification of neon-like germanium 3p–3s transitions
JC Moreno, J Nilsen, LB Da Silva
Optics communications 110 (5-6), 585-589, 1994
X-ray scattering measurements on imploding CH spheres at the National Ignition Facility
D Kraus, DA Chapman, AL Kritcher, RA Baggott, B Bachmann, ...
Physical Review E 94 (1), 011202, 2016
Probing matter at Gbar pressures at the NIF
AL Kritcher, T Döppner, D Swift, J Hawreliak, G Collins, J Nilsen, ...
High Energy Density Physics 10, 27-34, 2014
Dielectronic satellite spectra for helium-like ions
J Nilsen
Atomic data and nuclear data tables 38 (2), 339-379, 1988
Bursts of terahertz radiation from large-scale plasmas irradiated by relativistic picosecond laser pulses
GQ Liao, YT Li, C Li, LN Su, Y Zheng, M Liu, WM Wang, ZD Hu, WC Yan, ...
Physical Review Letters 114 (25), 255001, 2015
Nearly monochromatic lasing at 182 Å in neonlike selenium
J Nilsen, JC Moreno
Physical review letters 74 (17), 3376, 1995
Longitudinal coherence measurements of a transient collisional x-ray laser
RF Smith, J Dunn, JR Hunter, J Nilsen, S Hubert, S Jacquemot, ...
Optics letters 28 (22), 2261-2263, 2003
An ultrahigh‐Q isotropically sensitive optical filter employing atomic resonance transitions
JB Marling, J Nilsen, LC West, LL Wood
Journal of Applied Physics 50 (2), 610-614, 1979
Observation of a multiply ionized plasma with index of refraction greater than one
J Filevich, JJ Rocca, MC Marconi, SJ Moon, J Nilsen, JH Scofield, J Dunn, ...
Physical Review Letters 94 (3), 035005, 2005
Lasing at 7.9 nm in nickellike neodymium
J Nilsen, JC Moreno
Optics letters 20 (12), 1386-1388, 1995
Demonstration of transient gain x-ray lasers near 20?? nm for nickellike yttrium, zirconium, niobium, and molybdenum
J Dunn, J Nilsen, AL Osterheld, Y Li, VN Shlyaptsev
Optics letters 24 (2), 101-103, 1999
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