Ivan Evseev
Ivan Evseev
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Density resolution of proton computed tomography
RW Schulte, V Bashkirov, MC Loss Klock, T Li, AJ Wroe, I Evseev, ...
Medical physics 32 (4), 1035-1046, 2005
Two-cluster disintegration of 6Li and 7Li nuclei by linearly polarized photons
NA Burkova, VV Denyak, RA Ehramzhyan, IG Evseev, VM Khvastunov, ...
Nuclear Physics A 586 (2), 293-315, 1995
Influence of concentration and pH in caseinomacropeptide and carboxymethylcellulose interaction
VCF Burgardt, DF Oliveira, IG Evseev, AR Coelho, CWI Haminiuk, ...
Food Hydrocolloids 35, 170-180, 2014
Comparison of SRIM, MCNPX and GEANT simulations with experimental data for thick Al absorbers
IG Evseev, HR Schelin, SA Paschuk, E Milhoretto, JAP Setti, O Yevseyeva, ...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 68 (4-5), 948-950, 2010
Proton computed tomography as a tool for proton therapy planning: preliminary computer simulations and comparisons with x‐ray CT basics
J Teixeira de Assis, O Yevseyeva, I Evseev, RT Lopes, HR Schelin, ...
X‐Ray Spectrometry: An International Journal 34 (6), 481-492, 2005
Production of medical isotopes at electron accelerators
NP Dikiy, AN Dovbnya, YV Lyashko, EP Medvedeva, YD Tur, VL Uvarov, ...
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2000
Computerized tomography with high-energy proton beams: tomographic image reconstruction from computer-simulated data
I Evseev, MCL Klock, SA Paschuk, HR Schelin, JAP Setti, RT Lopes, ...
Brazilian Journal of Physics 34, 804-807, 2004
Photodisintegration of 6Li into 3He and 3H by linearly polarized photons
NA Burkova, YV Vladimirov, VB Ganenko, VA Gushchin, IG Evseev, ...
Physics Letters B 223 (2), 136-138, 1989
Geometrical parameters of a detection system: A Monte Carlo approach
VP Likhachev, MN Martins, JDT Arruda-Neto, CC Bueno, MDS Santos, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1997
Fission of {sup 232} Th nuclei by linearly polarized photons
VM Khvastunov, VV Denyak, IG Evseev, LM Zavada, VI Kasilov, NI Lapin, ...
Physics of atomic nuclei 57 (11), 1994
Disintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized photons at low energies
VP Likhachev, MN Martins, YA Kasatkin, MTF Da Cruz, JDT Arruda-Neto, ...
Nuclear Physics A 628 (4), 597-606, 1998
Inclusive quasifree electrofission cross section for
VP Likhachev, JDT Arruda-Neto, WR Carvalho Jr, A Deppman, IG Evseev, ...
Physical Review C 68 (1), 014615, 2003
Dose energy dependence in proton imaging
VV Denyak, SA Paschuk, HR Schelin, RL Rocha, JAP Setti, MCL Klock, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Proton CT setup at CV-28 of IEN/CNEN
I Evseev, J Assis, O Yevseyeva, UM Vinagre Filho, JAP Setti, HR Schelin, ...
Brazilian journal of physics 35, 747-750, 2005
Σ-asymmetry of the reaction γ+7Li→4He+3H near the threshold
YV Vladimirov, VV Denyak, SN Dyukov, IG Evseev, VI Kasilov, NI Lapin, ...
Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 49, 155, 1989
Comparison of GEANT4 simulations with experimental data for thick Al absorbers
O Yevseyeva, J De Assis, I Evseev, H Schelin, S Paschuk, E Milhoretto, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1139 (1), 97-101, 2009
Comparison of some popular Monte Carlo Solutions for proton transportation within pCT problem
I Evseev, JT de Assis, O Yevseyeva, RT Lopes, JJB Cardoso, AX da Silva, ...
Proceedings of the 2007 International Nuclear Atlantic Conference–INAC, 2007
Comparison of proton energy loss in thick absorbers in terms of a reduced calibration curve
O Yevseyeva, JT De Assis, IG Evseev, HR Schelin, F Ahmann, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
GEANT4 simulations for low energy proton computerized tomography
E Milhoretto, HR Schelin, JAP Setti, V Denyak, SA Paschuk, IG Evseev, ...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 68 (4-5), 951-953, 2010
The density measurements in pCT imaging
I Evseev, JT De Assis, O Yevseyeva, HR Schelin, MCL Klock, JAP Setti, ...
Medical Imaging 2005: Physics of Medical Imaging 5745, 764-774, 2005
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Articles 1–20