Gregory R. Lumpkin
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Alpha-decay event damage in zircon
T Murakami, BC Chakoumakos, RC Ewing, GR Lumpkin, WJ Weber
American Mineralogist 76 (9-10), 1510-1532, 1991
Ceramic waste forms for actinides
GR Lumpkin
Elements 2 (6), 365-372, 2006
Alpha-decay damage and aqueous durability of actinide host phases in natural systems
GR Lumpkin
Journal of nuclear materials 289 (1-2), 136-166, 2001
Alpha-decay—Induced fracturing in zircon: The transition from the crystalline to the metamict state
BC Chakoumakos, T Murakami, GR Lumpkin, RC Ewing
Science 236 (4808), 1556-1559, 1987
Alpha-decay damage in minerals of the pyrochlore group
GR Lumpkin, RC Ewing
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 16, 2-20, 1988
Geochemical alteration of pyrochlore group minerals: pyrochlore subgroup
GR Lumpkin, RC Ewing
American mineralogist 80 (7-8), 732-743, 1995
Radiation tolerance of Mn+ 1AXn phases, Ti3AlC2 and Ti3SiC2
KR Whittle, MG Blackford, RD Aughterson, S Moricca, GR Lumpkin, ...
Acta Materialia 58 (13), 4362-4368, 2010
Ion irradiation-induced phase transformation of pyrochlore and zirconolite
SX Wang, LM Wang, RC Ewing, GS Was, GR Lumpkin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1999
Micro-and nanochemistry of fly ash from a coal-fired power plant
R Gieré, LE Carleton, GR Lumpkin
American Mineralogist 88 (11-12), 1853-1865, 2003
Incorporation of Uranium in Zirconolite (CaZrTi2O7)
ER Vance, GR Lumpkin, ML Carter, DJ Cassidy, CJ Ball, RA Day, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 85 (7), 1853-1859, 2002
Segregation and migration of species in the CrCoFeNi high entropy alloy
SC Middleburgh, DM King, GR Lumpkin, M Cortie, L Edwards
Journal of alloys and compounds 599, 179-182, 2014
Nature of the chemical bond and prediction of radiation tolerance in pyrochlore and defect fluorite compounds
GR Lumpkin, M Pruneda, S Rios, KL Smith, K Trachenko, KR Whittle, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (4), 1512-1518, 2007
Surface complexation model of uranyl sorption on Georgia kaolinite
TE Payne, JA Davis, GR Lumpkin, R Chisari, TD Waite
Applied Clay Science 26 (1-4), 151-162, 2004
Alpha-decay damage in titanite
FC Hawthorne, LA Groat, M Raudsepp, NA Ball, M Kimata, FD Spike, ...
American Mineralogist 76 (3-4), 370-396, 1991
Nuclear waste forms
SV Stefanovsky, SV Yudintsev, R Gieré, GR Lumpkin
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 236 (1), 37-63, 2004
Geochemical alteration of pyrochlore group minerals: Betafite subgroup
GR Lumpkin, RC Ewing
American Mineralogist 81 (9-10), 1237-1248, 1996
Solid solubilities of (La Nd,) 2 (Zr, Ti) 2O7 phases deduced by neutron diffraction
EJ Harvey, KR Whittle, GR Lumpkin, RI Smith, SAT Redfern
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 178 (3), 800-810, 2005
The durability of Synroc
KL Smith, GR Lumpkin, MG Blackford, RA Day, KP Hart
Journal of nuclear materials 190, 287-294, 1992
Uranium sorption on various forms of titanium dioxide–influence of surface area, surface charge, and impurities
MJ Comarmond, TE Payne, JJ Harrison, S Thiruvoth, HK Wong, ...
Environmental science & technology 45 (13), 5536-5542, 2011
Metamict minerals: natural analogues for radiation damage effects in ceramic nuclear waste forms
RC Ewing, BC Chakoumakos, GR Lumpkin, T Murakami, RB Greegor, ...
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B;(Netherlands) 32, 1988
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