Jens Kießling
Jens Kießling
Fraunhofer IPM Freiburg
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Continuous-wave optical parametric terahertz source
R Sowade, I Breunig, IC Mayorga, J Kiessling, C Tulea, V Dierolf, K Buse
Optics express 17 (25), 22303-22310, 2009
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with visible light
C Lindner, S Wolf, J Kiessling, F Kühnemann
Optics express 28 (4), 4426-4432, 2020
Nonlinear interferometer for Fourier-transform mid-infrared gas spectroscopy using near-infrared detection
C Lindner, J Kunz, SJ Herr, S Wolf, J Kießling, F Kühnemann
Optics Express 29 (3), 4035-4047, 2021
Cascaded optical parametric oscillations generating tunable terahertz waves in periodically poled lithium niobate crystals
J Kiessling, R Sowade, I Breunig, K Buse, V Dierolf
Optics Express 17 (1), 87-91, 2008
High power and spectral purity continuous-wave photonic THz source tunable from 1 to 4.5 THz for nonlinear molecular spectroscopy
J Kießling, I Breunig, PG Schunemann, K Buse, KL Vodopyanov
New Journal of Physics 15 (10), 105014, 2013
Upconversion-enabled array spectrometer for the mid-infrared, featuring kilohertz spectra acquisition rates
S Wolf, J Kiessling, M Kunz, G Popko, K Buse, F Kühnemann
Optics express 25 (13), 14504-14515, 2017
Pump-enhanced optical parametric oscillator generating continuous wave tunable terahertz radiation
J Kiessling, F Fuchs, K Buse, I Breunig
Optics letters 36 (22), 4374-4376, 2011
Influence of the pump threshold on the single-frequency output power of singly resonant optical parametric oscillators
R Sowade, I Breunig, J Kiessling, K Buse
Applied Physics B 96, 25-28, 2009
Self-gated mid-infrared short pulse upconversion detection for gas sensing
S Wolf, T Trendle, J Kiessling, J Herbst, K Buse, F Kühnemann
Optics express 25 (20), 24459-24468, 2017
Temperature-dependent Sellmeier equation for the extraordinary refractive index of 5 mol. % <?A3B2 show [pmg:line-break justify="yes"/]?>MgO-doped LiNbO3 in …
J Kiessling, K Buse, I Breunig
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30 (4), 950-952, 2013
Tunable dual-comb spectrometer for mid-infrared trace gas analysis from 3 to 4.7 µm
L Nitzsche, J Goldschmidt, J Kiessling, S Wolf, F Kühnemann, ...
Optics Express 29 (16), 25449-25461, 2021
Method for producing terahertz electromagnetic carrier waves
I Breunig, K Buse, J Kiessling, B Knabe, R Sowade
US Patent 8,554,083, 2013
High-sensitivity quantum sensing with pump-enhanced spontaneous parametric down-conversion
C Lindner, J Kunz, SJ Herr, J Kießling, S Wolf, F Kühnemann
APL Photonics 8 (5), 2023
Generation of tunable continuous-wave terahertz radiation by photomixing the signal waves of a dual-crystal optical parametric oscillator
I Breunig, J Kiessling, R Sowade, B Knabe, K Buse
New journal of Physics 10 (7), 073003, 2008
Hybridly-pumped continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator
I Breunig, J Kiessling, B Knabe, R Sowade, K Buse
Optics Express 16 (8), 5662-5666, 2008
Accurate, high-resolution dispersive Fourier-transform spectroscopy with undetected photons
C Lindner, J Kunz, SJ Herr, J Kiessling, S Wolf, F Kühnemann
Optics Continuum 1 (2), 189-196, 2022
Cw laser light tunable from blue to red: OPOs pave the way
R Sowade, J Kießling, I Breunig
Ein adaptives Verfahren zur Hörgeräte-Anpassung mittels Lautheitsskalierung (ScalAdapt)
J Kießling, M Schubert
Hörakustik 30, 4-15, 1995
Lithium niobate: wavelength and temperature dependence of the thermo-optic coefficient in the visible and near infrared
S Fieberg, L Streit, J Kiessling, P Becker, L Bohaty, F Kühnemann, K Buse
Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and …, 2015
Note: Coherent detection of terahertz radiation employing a continuous wave optical parametric source
J Kiessling, R Sowade, IC Mayorga, K Buse, I Breunig
Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (2), 2011
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Articles 1–20