Yili Hong
On computing the distribution function for the Poisson binomial distribution
Y Hong
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 59, 41-51, 2013
Reliability meets big data: opportunities and challenges
WQ Meeker, Y Hong
Quality Engineering 26 (1), 102-116, 2014
Prediction of remaining life of power transformers based on left truncated and right censored lifetime data
Y Hong, WQ Meeker, JD McCalley
The Annals of Applied Statistics 3 (2), 857-879, 2009
Copula-based reliability analysis of degrading systems with dependent failures
G Fang, R Pan, Y Hong
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 193, 106618, 2020
Using accelerated life tests results to predict product field reliability
WQ Meeker, LA Escobar, Y Hong
Technometrics 51 (2), 146-161, 2009
Statistical methods for degradation data with dynamic covariates information and an application to outdoor weathering data
Y Hong, Y Duan, WQ Meeker, DL Stanley, X Gu
Technometrics 57 (2), 180-193, 2015
Profile monitoring based quality control method for fused deposition modeling process
K He, Q Zhang, Y Hong
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 2018, 1-12, 2018
Field-Failure Predictions Based on Failure-time Data with Dynamic Covariate Information
Y Hong, WQ Meeker
Technometrics 55 (2), 135-149, 2013
Big data and reliability applications: The complexity dimension
Y Hong, M Zhang, WQ Meeker
Journal of Quality Technology 50 (2), 135-149, 2018
Reliability analysis of repairable systems with dependent component failures under partially perfect repair
Q Yang, N Zhang, Y Hong
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 62 (2), 490-498, 2013
Nonlinear general path models for degradation data with dynamic covariates
Z Xu, Y Hong, R Jin
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 32 (2), 153-167, 2016
Field-failure and warranty prediction based on auxiliary use-rate information
Y Hong, WQ Meeker
Technometrics 52 (2), 148-159, 2010
How do heterogeneities in operating environments affect field failure predictions and test planning?
ZS Ye, Y Hong, Y Xie
The Annals of Applied Statistics, 2249-2271, 2013
Degradation data analysis based on gamma process with random effects
X Wang, BX Wang, Y Hong, PH Jiang
European Journal of Operational Research 292 (3), 1200-1208, 2021
Accurate reliability inference based on Wiener process with random effects for degradation data
X Wang, BX Wang, PH Jiang, Y Hong
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 193, 106631, 2020
General path models for degradation data with multiple characteristics and covariates
L Lu, B Wang, Y Hong, Z Ye
Technometrics 63 (3), 354-369, 2021
Applications of the fractional-random-weight bootstrap
L Xu, C Gotwalt, Y Hong, CB King, WQ Meeker
The American Statistician 74 (4), 345-358, 2020
ADAPT-2: a randomized clinical trial to reduce intraoperative EEG suppression in older surgical patients undergoing major noncardiac surgery
CJ Tang, Z Jin, LP Sands, D Pleasants, S Tabatabai, Y Hong, JM Leung
Anesthesia & Analgesia 131 (4), 1228-1236, 2020
Fault diagnosis of FDM process based on support vector machine (SVM)
H Hu, K He, T Zhong, Y Hong
Rapid Prototyping Journal 26 (2), 330-348, 2020
Spatial and Temporal Emergence Pattern of Lyme Disease in Virginia
J Li, KN Kolivras, Y Hong, Y Duan, SE Seukep, SP Prisley, JB Campbell, ...
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 91 (6), 1166–1172, 2014
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