Jeremy Lore
Jeremy Lore
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Overview of the SPARC tokamak
AJ Creely, MJ Greenwald, SB Ballinger, D Brunner, J Canik, J Doody, ...
Journal of Plasma Physics 86 (5), 865860502, 2020
Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation
T Klinger, T Andreeva, S Bozhenkov, C Brandt, R Burhenn, B Buttenschön, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112004, 2019
Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
RC Wolf, A Ali, A Alonso, J Baldzuhn, C Beidler, M Beurskens, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102020, 2017
Confirmation of the topology of the Wendelstein 7-X magnetic field to better than 1: 100,000
TS Pedersen, M Otte, S Lazerson, P Helander, S Bozhenkov, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13493, 2016
Recent improvements in the EMC3‐Eirene code
Y Feng, H Frerichs, M Kobayashi, A Bader, F Effenberg, D Harting, ...
Contributions to Plasma Physics 54 (4‐6), 426-431, 2014
Improved understanding of physics processes in pedestal structure, leading to improved predictive capability for ITER
RJ Groebner, CS Chang, JW Hughes, R Maingi, PB Snyder, XQ Xu, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (9), 093024, 2013
The development of the material plasma exposure experiment
J Rapp, TM Biewer, TS Bigelow, JBO Caughman, RC Duckworth, RJ Ellis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 44 (12), 3456-3464, 2016
Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation
J Bucalossi, J Achard, O Agullo, T Alarcon, L Allegretti, H Ancher, G Antar, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042007, 2022
Overview of physics results from the conclusive operation of the National Spherical Torus Experiment
SA Sabbagh, JW Ahn, J Allain, R Andre, A Balbaky, R Bastasz, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104007, 2013
Divertor heat flux challenge and mitigation in SPARC
AQ Kuang, S Ballinger, D Brunner, J Canik, AJ Creely, T Gray, ...
Journal of Plasma Physics 86 (5), 865860505, 2020
First divertor physics studies in Wendelstein 7-X
TS Pedersen, R König, M Jakubowski, M Krychowiak, D Gradic, C Killer, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (9), 096014, 2019
The development of plasma-material interaction facilities for the future of fusion technology
J Rapp, TM Biewer, J Canik, JBO Caughman, RH Goulding, DL Hillis, ...
Fusion Science and Technology 64 (2), 237-244, 2013
Mitigation of Alfvén activity in a tokamak by externally applied static 3D fields
A Bortolon, WW Heidbrink, GJ Kramer, JK Park, ED Fredrickson, JD Lore, ...
Physical review letters 110 (26), 265008, 2013
Transport simulations of linear plasma generators with the B2. 5-Eirene and EMC3-Eirene codes
J Rapp, LW Owen, X Bonnin, JF Caneses, JM Canik, C Corr, JD Lore
Journal of Nuclear Materials 463, 510-514, 2015
Internal electron transport barrier due to neoclassical ambipolarity in the Helically Symmetric Experiment
J Lore, W Guttenfelder, A Briesemeister, DT Anderson, FSB Anderson, ...
Physics of Plasmas 17 (5), 2010
Implementation of the 3D edge plasma code EMC3-EIRENE on NSTX
JD Lore, JM Canik, Y Feng, JW Ahn, R Maingi, V Soukhanovskii
Nuclear Fusion 52 (5), 054012, 2012
The challenges of plasma material interactions in nuclear fusion devices and potential solutions
J Rapp
Fusion Science and Technology 72 (3), 211-221, 2017
Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X
TS Pedersen, I Abramovic, P Agostinetti, MA Torres, S Äkäslompolo, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042022, 2022
Overview of the results from divertor experiments with attached and detached plasmas at Wendelstein 7-X and their implications for steady-state operation
M Jakubowski, M Endler, Y Feng, Y Gao, C Killer, R König, M Krychowiak, ...
Nuclear Fusion 61 (10), 106003, 2021
Recent advances in stellarator optimization
DA Gates, AH Boozer, T Brown, J Breslau, D Curreli, M Landreman, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (12), 126064, 2017
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Articles 1–20