Herry Purnama
Herry Purnama
Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
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Cited by
Synthesis, characterization and activity of photocatalytic sol–gel TiO2 powders and electrodes
J Marugan, P Christensen, T Egerton, H Purnama
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 89 (1-2), 273-283, 2009
Does hydrogen peroxide really accelerate TiO2 UV-C photocatalyzed decolouration of azo-dyes such as Reactive Orange 16?
TA Egerton, H Purnama
Dyes and pigments 101, 280-285, 2014
Pengembangan Produksi Pestisida Alami Dari Beauveria Bassianadan Trichoderma Sp. Menuju Pertanian Organik
H Purnama, N Hidayati, E Setyowati
Warta LPM 18 (1), 1-9, 2015
Effect of initial treatment in the preparation of natural indigo dye from Indigofera tinctoria
H Purnama, N Hidayati, DS Safitri, S Rahmawati
AIP Conference Proceedings 1855 (1), 2017
Influence of the Synthesis pH on the Properties and Activity of Sol‐Gel TiO2 Photocatalysts
J Marugán, P Christensen, T Egerton, H Purnama
International Journal of Photoenergy 2008 (1), 759561, 2008
Pemanfaatan tongkol jagung untuk adsorpsi zat warna Reactive Blue 19
H Purnama, AR Kurnianto
LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016
Natural dye extraction from tropical almond (Terminalia catappa Linn) leaves and its characterization
H Purnama, W Eriani, N Hidayati
AIP Conference Proceedings 2114 (1), 2019
Decolouration of dye solutions using photoelectrocatalysis and photocatalysis
TA Egerton, H Purnama, S Purwajanti, M Zafar
Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies 9 (1), 79-85, 2006
Characterization of sPEEK/chitosan membrane for the direct methanol fuel cell
N Hidayati, T Harmoko, M Mujiburohman, H Purnama
AIP Conference Proceedings 2114 (1), 2019
Effect of Ultrasound on Zeolite Preparation from Rice Husk Ash
H Purnama, M Musthofa, AH Akhwan, IK Dewi, R Fitriadi
Astechnova UGM, 2014
Pemurnian Minyak Jelantah Dengan Zeolit Alam: Pengaruh Massa Zeolit dan Waktu Pengadukan
H Purnama, O Mistyanti, RKN Amin
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014
The influence of platinum (II) on TiO2 photocatalyzed dye decolourization by rutile, P25 and PC500
TA Egerton, H Purnama, JA Mattinson
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 224 (1), 31-37, 2011
Adsorpsi Limbah Tekstil Sintetis dengan Jerami Padi
H Purnama, S Setiati
Gelagar Vol. 15 No. 1 April 2004, 2004
Biodiesel from microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata and Tetraselmis chuii by sonication technique and K2CO3 catalyst
H Purnama, N Hidayati
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 821 (1), 012011, 2020
Catalysis of glycerol acetylation on solid acid catalyst: a review
N Hidayati, RP Sari, H Purnama
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 23 (12), 414-423, 2020
Pengaruh waktu dan jarak elektroda pada pengolahan lindi dengan metode elektrokoagulasi-adsorpsi zeolit
T Trisnaawati, H Purnama
Jurnal Teknik Kimia 27 (2), 54-60, 2021
Pembuatan Bioetanol dari Limbah Kulit Kopi Arabika dan Robusta dengan Variasi Waktu Fermentasi
NNA Said, H Purnama
Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 220-228, 2020
Production of Cellulase Enzyme from Aspergilus niger using Rice Husk and Bagasse as Inducer
P Purkan, HD Purnama, S Sumarsih
Jurnal Ilmu Dasar 16 (2), 95-102, 2016
Effects of particle dispersion on the measurement of semi-conductor photocatalytic activity
TA Egerton, RW Harrison, SE Hill, JA Mattinson, H Purnama
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 216 (2-3), 268-274, 2010
Pengaruh Tegangan dan Waktu pada Pengolahan Lindi Metode Elektrokoagulasi-Adsorpsi Zeolit
RA Putri, H Purnama
Jurnal Reka Lingkungan 10 (2), 135-144, 2022
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Articles 1–20