Nariman Enikeev
Nariman Enikeev
Ufa State Aviation Technical University; Saint Petersburg State University
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Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation: review of historical developments and recent advances
K Edalati, A Bachmaier, VA Beloshenko, Y Beygelzimer, VD Blank, ...
Materials Research Letters 10 (4), 163-256, 2022
On the origin of the extremely high strength of ultrafine-grained Al alloys produced by severe plastic deformation
RZ Valiev, NA Enikeev, MY Murashkin, VU Kazykhanov, X Sauvage
Scripta Materialia 63 (9), 949-952, 2010
Nanostructured titanium-based materials for medical implants: Modeling and development
L Mishnaevsky Jr, E Levashov, RZ Valiev, J Segurado, I Sabirov, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 81, 1-19, 2014
Optimization of electrical conductivity and strength combination by structure design at the nanoscale in Al–Mg–Si alloys
X Sauvage, EV Bobruk, MY Murashkin, Y Nasedkina, NA Enikeev, ...
Acta Materialia 98, 355-366, 2015
Atomic-scale analysis of the segregation and precipitation mechanisms in a severely deformed Al–Mg alloy
X Sauvage, N Enikeev, R Valiev, Y Nasedkina, M Murashkin
Acta Materialia 72, 125-136, 2014
Evolution of microstructure, macrotexture and mechanical properties of commercially pure Ti during ECAP-conform processing and drawing
DV Gunderov, AV Polyakov, IP Semenova, GI Raab, AA Churakova, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 562, 128-136, 2013
Grain boundary segregation induced strengthening of an ultrafine-grained austenitic stainless steel
MM Abramova, NA Enikeev, RZ Valiev, A Etienne, B Radiguet, ...
Materials letters 136, 349-352, 2014
Mechanical and electrical properties of an ultrafine grained Al–8.5 wt.% RE (RE= 5.4 wt.% Ce, 3.1 wt.% La) alloy processed by severe plastic deformation
MY Murashkin, I Sabirov, AE Medvedev, NA Enikeev, W Lefebvre, ...
Materials & Design 90, 433-442, 2016
Grain boundary segregation in UFG alloys processed by severe plastic deformation
X Sauvage, A Ganeev, Y Ivanisenko, N Enikeev, M Murashkin, R Valiev
Advanced engineering materials 14 (11), 968-974, 2012
Bulk nanostructured materials with multifunctional properties
I Sabirov, NA Enikeev, MY Murashkin, RZ Valiev
Springer International Publishing, 2015
Developing age-hardenable Al-Zr alloy by ultra-severe plastic deformation: Significance of supersaturation, segregation and precipitation on hardening and electrical conductivity
A Mohammadi, NA Enikeev, MY Murashkin, M Arita, K Edalati
Acta Materialia 203, 116503, 2021
Superior strength and multiple strengthening mechanisms in nanocrystalline TWIP steel
JG Kim, NA Enikeev, JB Seol, MM Abramova, MV Karavaeva, RZ Valiev, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 11200, 2018
Enhanced mechanical properties and electrical conductivity in ultrafine-grained Al 6101 alloy processed via ECAP-conform
M Murashkin, A Medvedev, V Kazykhanov, A Krokhin, G Raab, N Enikeev, ...
Metals 5 (4), 2148-2164, 2015
Annealing behavior of a 304L stainless steel processed by large strain cold and warm rolling
M Odnobokova, A Belyakov, N Enikeev, DA Molodov, R Kaibyshev
Materials Science and Engineering: A 689, 370-383, 2017
Examination of inverse Hall-Petch relation in nanostructured aluminum alloys by ultra-severe plastic deformation
A Mohammadi, NA Enikeev, MY Murashkin, M Arita, K Edalati
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 91, 78-89, 2021
Enhancement of mechanical and electrical properties of Al-RE alloys by optimizing rare-earth concentration and thermo-mechanical treatment
AE Medvedev, MY Murashkin, NA Enikeev, RZ Valiev, PD Hodgson, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 745, 696-704, 2018
Towards superstrength of nanostructured metals and alloys, produced by SPD
RZ Valiev, NA Enikeev, TG Langdon
Kovove Mater 49 (1), 1-9, 2011
Severe plastic deformation for producing Superfunctional ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials: An interdisciplinary review
K Edalati, AQ Ahmed, S Akrami, K Ameyama, V Aptukov, RN Asfandiyarov, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 174667, 2024
Formation of fully austenitic ultrafine-grained high strength state in metastable Cr–Ni–Ti stainless steel by severe plastic deformation
SV Dobatkin, OV Rybalchenko, NA Enikeev, AA Tokar, MM Abramova
Materials Letters 166, 276-279, 2016
Towards enhancement of properties of UFG metals and alloys by grain boundary engineering using SPD processing
RZ Valiev, IV Alexandrov, NA Enikeev, MY Murashkin, IP Semenova
Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci 25 (1), 1-10, 2010
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