Kyle C. Hartig
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Cited by
Optical spectroscopy of laser-produced plasmas for standoff isotopic analysis
SS Harilal, BE Brumfield, NL LaHaye, KC Hartig, MC Phillips
Applied Physics Reviews 5 (2), 2018
Two-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy of uranium isotopes in femtosecond laser ablation plumes
MC Phillips, BE Brumfield, N LaHaye, SS Harilal, KC Hartig, I Jovanovic
Scientific reports 7 (1), 3784, 2017
Significance of ambient conditions in uranium absorption and emission features of laser ablation plasmas
PJ Skrodzki, NP Shah, N Taylor, KC Hartig, NL LaHaye, BE Brumfield, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 125, 112-119, 2016
Standoff detection of uranium and its isotopes by femtosecond filament laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry
KC Hartig, I Ghebregziabher, I Jovanovic
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 43852, 2017
Evolution of uranium monoxide in femtosecond laser-induced uranium plasmas
KC Hartig, SS Harilal, MC Phillips, BE Brumfield, I Jovanovic
Optics Express 25 (10), 11477-11490, 2017
Measurement of chlorine concentration on steel surfaces via fiber-optic laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in double-pulse configuration
X Xiao, S Le Berre, DG Fobar, M Burger, PJ Skrodzki, KC Hartig, AT Motta, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 141, 44-52, 2018
Laser ablation spectrometry for studies of uranium plasmas, reactor monitoring, and spent fuel safety
M Burger, LA Finney, L Garrett, SS Harilal, KC Hartig, J Nees, PJ Skrodzki, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 179, 106095, 2021
Toward robotic inspection of dry storage casks for spent nuclear fuel
CJ Lissenden, S Choi, H Cho, A Motta, K Hartig, X Xiao, S Le Berre, ...
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 139 (3), 031602, 2017
Adaptive femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of uranium
P Ko, KC Hartig, JP McNutt, RBD Schur, TW Jacomb-Hood, I Jovanovic
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (1), 2013
Impact of oxygen chemistry on the emission and fluorescence spectroscopy of laser ablation plumes
KC Hartig, BE Brumfield, MC Phillips, SS Harilal
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 135, 54-62, 2017
Propagation distance-resolved characteristics of filament-induced copper plasma
I Ghebregziabher, KC Hartig, I Jovanovic
Optics Express 24 (5), 5263-5276, 2016
Measurement of boron isotopic ratio with non-gated molecular spectroscopy of femtosecond laser-produced plasma
B Yee, KC Hartig, P Ko, J McNutt, I Jovanovic
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 79, 72-76, 2013
Laser ablation plasmas and spectroscopy for nuclear applications
EH Kwapis, J Borrero, KS Latty, HB Andrews, SS Phongikaroon, ...
Applied Spectroscopy 78 (1), 9-55, 2024
Surrogate measurement of chlorine concentration on steel surfaces by alkali element detection via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
X Xiao, S Le Berre, KC Hartig, AT Motta, I Jovanovic
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 130, 67-74, 2017
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using mid-infrared femtosecond pulses
KC Hartig, J Colgan, DP Kilcrease, JE Barefield, I Jovanovic
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (4), 2015
Spectroscopic signatures and oxidation characteristics of nanosecond laser-induced cerium plasmas
EH Kwapis, E Villa-Aleman, KC Hartig
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 200, 106610, 2023
Tracking of individual TRISO-fueled pebbles through the application of X-ray imaging with deep metric learning
EH Kwapis, H Liu, KC Hartig
Progress in Nuclear Energy 140, 103913, 2021
Robotic inspection of dry storage casks for spent nuclear fuel
CJ Lissenden, S Choi, H Cho, A Motta, K Hartig, X Xiao, S Le Berre, ...
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 50435, V06BT06A063, 2016
Spatiotemporal plasma-particle characterization of dry aerosols using nanosecond, femtosecond, and filament laser-produced plasmas
KS Latty, KC Hartig
Applied Spectroscopy 77 (8), 848-859, 2023
Elemental fractionation in aerosol laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with nanosecond and femtosecond laser ablation
KS Latty, KC Hartig
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 202, 106648, 2023
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Articles 1–20