Takuya Hoshii
Takuya Hoshii
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1-nm-capacitance-equivalent-thickness HfO2/Al2O3/InGaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor structure with low interface trap density and low gate leakage current density
R Suzuki, N Taoka, M Yokoyama, S Lee, SH Kim, T Hoshii, T Yasuda, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (13), 2012
Individual atomic imaging of multiple dopant sites in As-doped Si using spectro-photoelectron holography
K Tsutsui, T Matsushita, K Natori, T Muro, Y Morikawa, T Hoshii, ...
Nano Letters 17 (12), 7533-7538, 2017
Room-temperature deposition of a poling-free ferroelectric AlScN film by reactive sputtering
SL Tsai, T Hoshii, H Wakabayashi, K Tsutsui, TK Chung, EY Chang, ...
Applied Physics Letters 118 (8), 2021
Impact of Fermi level pinning inside conduction band on electron mobility of InxGa1−xAs MOSFETs and mobility enhancement by pinning modulation
N Taoka, M Yokoyama, SH Kim, R Suzuki, R Iida, S Lee, T Hoshii, ...
2011 International Electron Devices Meeting, 27.2. 1-27.2. 4, 2011
Reduction in interface state density of Al2O3/InGaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor interfaces by InGaAs surface nitridation
T Hoshii, S Lee, R Suzuki, N Taoka, M Yokoyama, H Yamada, M Hata, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (7), 2012
Impact of atomic layer deposition temperature on HfO2/InGaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor interface properties
R Suzuki, N Taoka, M Yokoyama, SH Kim, T Hoshii, T Maeda, T Yasuda, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (8), 2012
A possible origin of the large leakage current in ferroelectric Al1− x Sc x N films
J Kataoka, SL Tsai, T Hoshii, H Wakabayashi, K Tsutsui, K Kakushima
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 60 (3), 030907, 2021
Quantum size effects in GaAs nanodisks fabricated using a combination of the bio-template technique and neutral beam etching
Y Tamura, T Kaizu, T Kiba, M Igarashi, R Tsukamoto, A Higo, W Hu, ...
Nanotechnology 24 (28), 285301, 2013
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth of InGaAs on SiO2 from (111) Si micro channel areas
T Hoshii, M Deura, M Sugiyama, R Nakane, S Sugahara, M Takenaka, ...
physica status solidi c 5 (9), 2733-2735, 2008
Impact of Fermi level pinning inside conduction band on electron mobility in InGaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors
N Taoka, M Yokoyama, S Hyeon Kim, R Suzuki, S Lee, R Iida, T Hoshii, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (14), 2013
Dislocation-free InGaAs on Si (111) using micro-channel selective-area metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
M Deura, T Hoshii, T Yamamoto, Y Ikuhara, M Takenaka, S Takagi, ...
Applied physics express 2 (1), 011101, 2008
Effect of Ga content on crystal shape in micro-channel selective-area MOVPE of InGaAs on Si
M Deura, T Hoshii, M Takenaka, S Takagi, Y Nakano, M Sugiyama
Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (23), 4768-4771, 2008
On the thickness scaling of ferroelectricity in Al0. 78Sc0. 22N films
SL Tsai, T Hoshii, H Wakabayashi, K Tsutsui, TK Chung, EY Chang, ...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 60 (SB), SBBA05, 2021
Demonstration of 1200V scaled IGBTs driven by 5V gate voltage with superiorly low switching loss
T Saraya, K Itou, T Takakura, M Fukui, S Suzuki, K Takeuchi, M Tsukuda, ...
2018 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 8.4. 1-8.4. 4, 2018
Impact of InGaAs surface nitridation on interface properties of InGaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors using electron cyclotron resonance plasma sputtering SiO2
T Hoshii, M Yokoyama, H Yamada, M Hata, T Yasuda, M Takenaka, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (13), 2010
Experimental verification of a 3D scaling principle for low Vce(sat) IGBT
K Kakushima, T Hoshii, K Tsutsui, A Nakajima, S Nishizawa, ...
2016 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 10.6. 1-10.6. 4, 2016
High Hall-Effect Mobility of Large-Area Atomic-Layered Polycrystalline ZrS2 Film Using UHV RF Magnetron Sputtering and Sulfurization
M Hamada, K Matsuura, T Sakamoto, I Muneta, T Hoshii, K Kakushima, ...
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society 7, 1258-1263, 2019
Impact of Fermi Level Pinning Due to Interface Traps Inside the Conduction Band on the Inversion-Layer Mobility in Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field …
N Taoka, M Yokoyama, SH Kim, R Suzuki, S Lee, R Iida, T Hoshii, ...
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 13 (4), 456-462, 2013
Field cycling behavior and breakdown mechanism of ferroelectric Al0. 78Sc0. 22N films
SL Tsai, T Hoshii, H Wakabayashi, K Tsutsui, TK Chung, EY Chang, ...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 61 (SJ), SJ1005, 2022
Fabrication and characterization of metal-insulator-semiconductor structures by direct nitridation of InP surfaces
T Haimoto, T Hoshii, S Nakagawa, M Takenaka, S Takagi
Applied Physics Letters 96 (1), 2010
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Articles 1–20