Laura Fumanelli
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Cited by
Spatiotemporal spread of the 2014 outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Liberia and the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions: a computational modelling analysis
S Merler, M Ajelli, L Fumanelli, MFC Gomes, AP y Piontti, L Rossi, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 15 (2), 204-211, 2015
The RAPIDD ebola forecasting challenge: Synthesis and lessons learnt
C Viboud, K Sun, R Gaffey, M Ajelli, L Fumanelli, S Merler, Q Zhang, ...
Epidemics 22, 13-21, 2018
Inferring high-resolution human mixing patterns for disease modeling
D Mistry, M Litvinova, A Pastore y Piontti, M Chinazzi, L Fumanelli, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 323, 2021
Inferring the structure of social contacts from demographic data in the analysis of infectious diseases spread
L Fumanelli, M Ajelli, P Manfredi, A Vespignani, S Merler
Public Library of Science 8 (9), e1002673, 2012
Containing Ebola at the source with ring vaccination
S Merler, M Ajelli, L Fumanelli, S Parlamento, A Pastore y Piontti, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10 (11), e0005093, 2016
Model-based comprehensive analysis of school closure policies for mitigating influenza epidemics and pandemics
L Fumanelli, M Ajelli, S Merler, NM Ferguson, S Cauchemez
PLoS computational biology 12 (1), e1004681, 2016
Containing the accidental laboratory escape of potential pandemic influenza viruses
S Merler, M Ajelli, L Fumanelli, A Vespignani
BMC medicine 11, 1-11, 2013
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the Ebola epidemic in Guinea and implications for vaccination and disease elimination: a computational modeling analysis
M Ajelli, S Merler, L Fumanelli, A Pastore y Piontti, NE Dean, IM Longini, ...
BMC medicine 14, 1-10, 2016
School closure policies at municipality level for mitigating influenza spread: a model-based evaluation
C Ciavarella, L Fumanelli, S Merler, C Cattuto, M Ajelli
BMC infectious diseases 16, 1-11, 2016
The RAPIDD Ebola forecasting challenge: Model description and synthetic data generation
M Ajelli, Q Zhang, K Sun, S Merler, L Fumanelli, G Chowell, L Simonsen, ...
Epidemics 22, 3-12, 2018
The RAPIDD ebola forecasting challenge: Synthesis and lessons learnt. Epidemics 22, 13–21
C Viboud, K Sun, R Gaffey, M Ajelli, L Fumanelli, S Merler, Q Zhang, ...
Mathematical modeling of bacterial virulence and host–pathogen interactions in the Dictyostelium/Pseudomonas system
L Fumanelli, M Iannelli, HA Janjua, O Jousson
Journal of theoretical biology 270 (1), 19-24, 2011
Estimating transmission probability in schools for the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in Italy
V Clamer, I Dorigatti, L Fumanelli, C Rizzo, A Pugliese
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 13, 1-13, 2016
Spatiotemporal dynamics of viral hepatitis A in Italy
M Ajelli, L Fumanelli, P Manfredi, S Merler
Theoretical population biology 79 (1-2), 1-11, 2011
Quantifying human mixing patterns in Chinese provinces outside Hubei after the 2020 lockdown was lifted
Y Zhao, S O’Dell, X Yang, J Liao, K Yang, L Fumanelli, T Zhou, J Lv, ...
BMC Infectious Diseases 22 (1), 483, 2022
Mathematical modeling of amoeba-bacteria population dynamics
L Fumanelli
Università degli studi di Trento, 2009
Estimating measles transmission potential in Italy over the period 2010-2011
M Ajelli, S Merler, L Fumanelli, A Bella, C Rizzo
Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità 50, 351-356, 2014
Qualitative analysis of a model for co-culture of bacteria and amoebae
L Fumanelli, P Magal, D Xiao, X Yu
Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering 9 (2), 259-279, 2012
Contact patterns and transmission of varicella in Europe
E Dal Fava, L Fumanelli, S Merler, L Marangi, M Ajelli, A Melegaro, ...
Microbial virulence and mathematical modeling of amoeba-bacteria interaction
H Janjua, O Jousson, L Fumanelli, M Iannelli
White workshop on mathematical biology 2009, 1-1, 2009
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Articles 1–20