Seyed Sadegh Mohseni Salehi
Seyed Sadegh Mohseni Salehi
Principal Machine Learning Scientist, Overjet
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Tversky loss function for image segmentation using 3D fully convolutional deep networks
SSM Salehi, D Erdogmus, A Gholipour
International workshop on machine learning in medical imaging, 379-387, 2017
Asymmetric loss functions and deep densely-connected networks for highly-imbalanced medical image segmentation: Application to multiple sclerosis lesion detection
SR Hashemi, SSM Salehi, D Erdogmus, SP Prabhu, SK Warfield, ...
IEEE Access 7, 1721-1735, 2018
Auto-context convolutional neural network (auto-net) for brain extraction in magnetic resonance imaging
SSM Salehi, D Erdogmus, A Gholipour
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 36 (11), 2319-2330, 2017
Real-time Deep Pose Estimation with Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration
SSM Salehi, S Khan, D Erdogmus, A Gholipour
IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 2018
Real-time automatic fetal brain extraction in fetal MRI by deep learning
SSM Salehi, SR Hashemi, C Velasco-Annis, A Ouaalam, JA Estroff, ...
2018 IEEE 15th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2018 …, 2018
Deep learning techniques for magnetic resonance image reconstruction
J Schlemper, SSM Salehi, M Sofka, P Kundu, Z Wang, C Lazarus, ...
US Patent 11,467,239, 2022
Dual-domain self-supervised learning for accelerated non-Cartesian MRI reconstruction
B Zhou, J Schlemper, N Dey, SSM Salehi, K Sheth, C Liu, JS Duncan, ...
Medical Image Analysis 81, 102538, 2022
Temporal slice registration and robust diffusion-tensor reconstruction for improved fetal brain structural connectivity analysis
B Marami, SSM Salehi, O Afacan, B Scherrer, CK Rollins, E Yang, ...
NeuroImage 156, 475-488, 2017
Multi-coil magnetic resonance imaging using deep learning
J Schlemper, SSM Salehi, M Sofka
US Patent 11,324,418, 2022
Self ensembling techniques for generating magnetic resonance images from spatial frequency data
J Schlemper, SSM Salehi, M Sofka
US Patent 11,185,249, 2021
Deep learning techniques for alignment of magnetic resonance images
J Schlemper, SSM Salehi, M Sofka
US Patent 11,344,219, 2022
Deep learning techniques for magnetic resonance image reconstruction
J Schlemper, SSM Salehi, M Sofka, P Kundu, Z Wang, C Lazarus, ...
US Patent 11,300,645, 2022
Deep predictive motion tracking in magnetic resonance imaging: application to fetal imaging
A Singh, SSM Salehi, A Gholipour
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (11), 3523-3534, 2020
Bedside detection of intracranial midline shift using portable magnetic resonance imaging
KN Sheth, MM Yuen, MH Mazurek, BA Cahn, AM Prabhat, S Salehi, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 67, 2022
FlashType: A Context-Aware c-VEP-Based BCI Typing Interface Using EEG Signals
H Nezamfar, SSM Salehi, M Moghadamfalahi, D Erdogmus
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 10 (5), 932-941, 2016
Contrareg: Contrastive learning of multi-modality unsupervised deformable image registration
N Dey, J Schlemper, SSM Salehi, B Zhou, G Gerig, M Sofka
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2022
Nonuniform variational network: deep learning for accelerated nonuniform MR image reconstruction
J Schlemper, SSM Salehi, P Kundu, C Lazarus, H Dyvorne, D Rueckert, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2019: 22nd …, 2019
Stimuli with opponent colors and higher bit rate enable higher accuracy for C-VEP BCI
H Nezamfar, SSM Salehi, D Erdogmus
2015 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), 1-6, 2015
Code-VEP vs. eye tracking: A comparison study
H Nezamfar, SS Mohseni Salehi, M Higger, D Erdogmus
Brain sciences 8 (7), 130, 2018
Decoding complex imagery hand gestures
SSM Salehi, M Moghadamfalahi, F Quivira, A Piers, H Nezamfar, ...
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2017
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