Juan F. Galisteo-López
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Self‐Assembled Photonic Structures
JF Galisteo‐López, M Ibisate, R Sapienza, LS Froufe‐Pérez, Á Blanco, ...
Advanced Materials 23 (1), 30-69, 2011
Environmental Effects on the Photophysics of Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites
JF Galisteo-Lopez, M Anaya, ME Calvo, H Miguez
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2015
Optical study of the pseudogap in thickness and orientation controlled artificial opals
JF Galisteo-López, E Palacios-Lidón, E Castillo-Martínez, C López
Physical review B 68 (11), 115109, 2003
Engineered planar defects embedded in opals
E Palacios‐Lidón, JF Galisteo‐López, BH Juárez, C López
Advanced Materials 16 (4), 341-345, 2004
Origin of light-induced photophysical effects in organic metal halide perovskites in the presence of oxygen
M Anaya, JF Galisteo-López, ME Calvo, JP Espinós, H Míguez
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (14), 3891-3896, 2018
Optical diffraction and high-energy features in three-dimensional photonic crystals
F García-Santamaría, JF Galisteo-López, PV Braun, C López
Physical Review B 71 (19), 195112, 2005
Enhancement and Directionality of Spontaneous Emission in Hybrid Self‐Assembled Photonic–Plasmonic Crystals
M López‐García, JF Galisteo‐López, A Blanco, J Sánchez‐Marcos, ...
Small 6 (16), 1757-1761, 2010
High-energy optical response of artificial opals
JF Galisteo-López, C López
Physical Review B 70 (3), 035108, 2004
Experimental evidence of polarization dependence in the optical response of opal-based photonic crystals
JF Galisteo-Lopez, F López-Tejeira, S Rubio, C Lopez, ...
Applied physics letters 82 (23), 4068-4070, 2003
Effective refractive index and group velocity determination of three-dimensional photonic crystals by means of white light interferometry
JF Galisteo-López, M Galli, M Patrini, A Balestreri, LC Andreani, C López
Physical Review B 73 (12), 125103, 2006
Angle-resolved reflectivity of single-domain photonic crystals: Effects of disorder
JFG Lopez, WL Vos
Physical Review E 66 (3), 036616, 2002
Self-assembly approach to optical metamaterials
JF Galisteo, F Garcia-Santamaria, D Golmayo, BH Juarez, C Lopez, ...
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 7 (2), S244, 2005
Light confinement by two-dimensional arrays of dielectric spheres
M López-García, JF Galisteo-López, C López, A García-Martín
Physical Review B 85 (23), 235145, 2012
All-optical switching in 2D silicon photonic crystals with low loss waveguides and optical cavities
M Belotti, JF Galisteo Lòpez, S De Angelis, M Galli, I Maksymov, ...
Optics express 16 (15), 11624-11636, 2008
High Degree of Optical Tunability of Self‐Assembled Photonic‐Plasmonic Crystals by Filling Fraction Modification
M López‐García, JF Galisteo‐López, Á Blanco, C López, A García‐Martín
Advanced Functional Materials 20 (24), 4338-4343, 2010
Three-dimensional optical tomography and correlated elemental analysis of hybrid perovskite microstructures: an insight into defect-related lattice distortion and photoinduced …
JF Galisteo-López, Y Li, H Míguez
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (24), 5227-5234, 2016
Optical response with threefold symmetry axis on oriented microdomains of opal photonic crystals
LC Andreani, A Balestreri, JF Galisteo-López, M Galli, M Patrini, ...
Physical Review B 78 (20), 205304, 2008
Three-dimensional photonic crystals as a cage for light
AF Koenderink, PM Johnson, JFG López, WL Vos
Comptes Rendus Physique 3 (1), 67-77, 2002
BaMgF4: An Ultra‐Transparent Two‐Dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Crystal with Strong χ (3) Response in the UV Spectral Region
L Mateos, MO Ramírez, I Carrasco, P Molina, JF Galisteo‐López, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (11), 1509-1518, 2014
Studying light propagation in self-assembled hybrid photonic–plasmonic crystals by Fourier microscopy
JF Galisteo-López, M López-García, A Blanco, C López
Langmuir 28 (24), 9174-9179, 2012
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Articles 1–20