Eliezer Bose
Eliezer Bose
Massachusetts General Hospital
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Using supervised machine learning to classify real alerts and artifact in online multisignal vital sign monitoring data
L Chen, A Dubrawski, D Wang, M Fiterau, M Guillame-Bert, E Bose, ...
Critical care medicine 44 (7), e456-e463, 2016
Vector autoregressive models and Granger causality in time series analysis in nursing research: dynamic changes among vital signs prior to cardiorespiratory instability events …
E Bose, M Hravnak, SM Sereika
Nursing research 66 (1), 12-19, 2017
Real alerts and artifact classification in archived multi-signal vital sign monitoring data: implications for mining big data
M Hravnak, L Chen, A Dubrawski, E Bose, G Clermont, MR Pinsky
Journal of clinical monitoring and computing 30, 875-888, 2016
Using unsupervised machine learning to identify subgroups among home health patients with heart failure using telehealth
E Bose, K Radhakrishnan
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 36 (5), 242-248, 2018
Machine learning methods for identifying critical data elements in nursing documentation
E Bose, S Maganti, KH Bowles, BL Brueshoff, KA Monsen
Nursing research 68 (1), 65-72, 2019
Thromboelastography: a practice summary for nurse practitioners treating hemorrhage
E Bose, M Hravnak
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners 11 (7), 702-709, 2015
The interface between monitoring and physiology at the bedside
EL Bose, M Hravnak, MR Pinsky
Critical care clinics 31 (1), 1-24, 2015
Causes of failure to rescue
M Hravnak, A Mazzoccoli, E Bose, MR Pinsky
Textbook of rapid response systems: Concept and implementation, 95-110, 2017
Mexican Americans' diabetes symptom prevalence, burden, and clusters
AA Garcia, E Bose, JA Zuniga, W Zhang
Applied Nursing Research 46, 37-42, 2019
Monitoring cardiorespiratory instability: current approaches and implications for nursing practice
E Bose, L Hoffman, M Hravnak
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 34, 12-19, 2016
Cardiorespiratory instability in monitored step-down unit patients: using cluster analysis to identify patterns of change
EL Bose, G Clermont, L Chen, AW Dubrawski, D Ren, LA Hoffman, ...
Journal of clinical monitoring and computing 32, 117-126, 2018
Diabetes changes symptoms cluster patterns in persons living with HIV
JA Zuniga, E Bose, J Park, MD Lapiz-Bluhm, AA García
Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 28 (6), 888-896, 2017
Temporal distribution of instability events in continuously monitored step-down unit patients: implications for rapid response systems
M Hravnak, L Chen, A Dubrawski, E Bose, MR Pinsky
Resuscitation 89, 99-105, 2015
Symptom clusters and functional impairment in individuals treated for Lyme borreliosis
N Zubcevik, C Mao, QM Wang, EL Bose, RN Octavien, D Crandell, ...
Frontiers in Medicine 7, 464, 2020
Artifact patterns in continuous noninvasive monitoring of patients
M Hravnak, L Chen, E Bose, M Fiterau, M Guillame-Bert, A Dubrawski, ...
Intensive care medicine 39 (Suppl 2), S405, 2013
Pre-HAART CD4+ T-lymphocytes as biomarkers of post-HAART immune recovery in HIV-infected children with or without TB co-infection
V Gopalakrishnan, E Bose, U Nair, Y Cheng, M Ghebremichael
BMC Infectious Diseases 20, 1-8, 2020
Risk for cardiorespiratory instability following transfer to a monitored step-down unit
E Bose, L Chen, G Clermont, A Dubrawski, MR Pinsky, D Ren, ...
Respiratory care 62 (4), 415-422, 2017
Multi-tier ground truth elicitation framework with application to artifact classification for predicting patient instability
D Wang, L Chen, M Fiterau, A Dubrawski, M Hravnak, E Bose, D Wallace, ...
J Intensive Care Med 40 (1 Suppl), S289, 2014
Artifact adjudication for vital sign step-‐down unit data can be improved using active learning with low-‐dimensional models
M Fiterau, A Dubrawski, L Chen, E Bose, M Hravnak, G Clermont, ...
Entropy 43, 46, 2014
Minimum redundancy maximal relevance gene selection of apoptosis pathway genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV-infected patients with antiretroviral therapy …
E Bose, E Paintsil, M Ghebremichael
BMC Medical Genomics 14, 1-10, 2021
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