Russell Thompson
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Cited by
Predicting the mesophases of copolymer-nanoparticle composites
RB Thompson, VV Ginzburg, MW Matsen, AC Balazs
Science 292 (5526), 2469-2472, 2001
Equilibrium behavior of symmetric ABA triblock copolymer melts
MW Matsen, RB Thompson
The Journal of chemical physics 111 (15), 7139-7146, 1999
Block copolymer-directed assembly of nanoparticles: Forming mesoscopically ordered hybrid materials
RB Thompson, VV Ginzburg, MW Matsen, AC Balazs
Macromolecules 35 (3), 1060-1071, 2002
Effect of nanoscopic particles on the mesophase structure of diblock copolymers
JY Lee, RB Thompson, D Jasnow, AC Balazs
Macromolecules 35 (13), 4855-4858, 2002
Improved convergence in block copolymer self-consistent field theory by Anderson mixing
RB Thompson, KO Rasmussen, T Lookman
The Journal of chemical physics 120 (1), 31-34, 2004
Entropically driven formation of hierarchically ordered nanocomposites
JY Lee, RB Thompson, D Jasnow, AC Balazs
Physical review letters 89 (15), 155503, 2002
Particle distributions in a block copolymer nanocomposite
MW Matsen, RB Thompson
Macromolecules 41 (5), 1853-1860, 2008
Effect of temperature and pressure on surface tension of polystyrene in supercritical carbon dioxide
H Park, RB Thompson, N Lanson, C Tzoganakis, CB Park, P Chen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (15), 3859-3868, 2007
Effective interaction between monolayers of block copolymer compatiblizer in a polymer blend
RB Thompson, MW Matsen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (15), 6863-6872, 2000
Origins of the Failure of Classical Nucleation Theory for Nanocellular Polymer Foams
R Thompson, Y Kim
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 56, 2011
Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Nanoparticle− Coil “Tadpole” Macromolecules
JY Lee, AC Balazs, RB Thompson, RM Hill
Macromolecules 37 (10), 3536-3539, 2004
Improving polymeric microemulsions with block copolymer polydispersity
RB Thompson, MW Matsen
Physical Review Letters 85 (3), 670, 2000
Nanoparticle-regulated phase behavior of ordered block copolymers
MK Gaines, SD Smith, J Samseth, MR Bockstaller, RB Thompson, ...
Soft Matter 4 (8), 1609-1612, 2008
Origins of elastic properties in ordered block copolymer/nanoparticle composites
RB Thompson, KŲ Rasmussen, T Lookman
Nano Letters 4 (12), 2455-2459, 2004
Binary hard sphere mixtures in block copolymer melts
RB Thompson, JY Lee, D Jasnow, AC Balazs
Physical Review E 66 (3), 031801, 2002
Effect of well-dispersed surface-modified silica nanoparticles on crystallization behavior of poly (lactic acid) under compressed carbon dioxide
K Sarikhani, R Nasseri, V Lotocki, RB Thompson, CB Park, P Chen
Polymer 98, 100-109, 2016
Effect of pressure and temperature on interfacial tension of poly lactic acid melt in supercritical carbon dioxide
K Sarikhani, K Jeddi, RB Thompson, CB Park, P Chen
Thermochimica Acta 609, 1-6, 2015
Towards maximal cell density predictions for polymeric foams
Y Kim, CB Park, P Chen, RB Thompson
Polymer 52 (24), 5622-5629, 2011
Maximal cell density predictions for compressible polymer foams
Y Kim, CB Park, P Chen, RB Thompson
Polymer 54 (2), 841-845, 2013
Self-assembly of a binary mixture of particles and diblock copolymers
JY Lee, RB Thompson, D Jasnow, AC Balazs
Faraday Discussions 123, 121-131, 2003
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Articles 1–20