Ryan Gelfand
Ryan Gelfand
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Cited by
Universality of non-Ohmic shunt leakage in thin-film solar cells
S Dongaonkar, JD Servaites, GM Ford, S Loser, J Moore, RM Gelfand, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (12), 2010
Probing the Raman-active acoustic vibrations of nanoparticles with extraordinary spectral resolution
S Wheaton, RM Gelfand, R Gordon
Nature Photonics 9 (1), 68-72, 2015
Label-free free-solution nanoaperture optical tweezers for single molecule protein studies
AA Al Balushi, A Kotnala, S Wheaton, RM Gelfand, Y Rajashekara, ...
Analyst 140 (14), 4760-4778, 2015
Opto-mechanical force mapping of deep subwavelength plasmonic modes
J Kohoutek, D Dey, A Bonakdar, R Gelfand, A Sklar, OG Memis, ...
Nano letters 11 (8), 3378-3382, 2011
Cleaved fiber optic double nanohole optical tweezers for trapping nanoparticles
RM Gelfand, S Wheaton, R Gordon
Optics letters 39 (22), 6415-6417, 2014
Cascaded spintronic logic with low-dimensional carbon
JS Friedman, A Girdhar, RM Gelfand, G Memik, H Mohseni, A Taflove, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15635, 2017
Effect of surface roughness on self-assembled monolayer plasmonic ruler in nonlocal regime
G Hajisalem, Q Min, R Gelfand, R Gordon
Optics express 22 (8), 9604-9610, 2014
Composite nano-antenna integrated with quantum cascade laser
D Dey, J Kohoutek, RM Gelfand, A Bonakdar, H Mohseni
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22 (21), 1580-1582, 2010
Quantum-cascade laser integrated with a metal–dielectric–metal-based plasmonic antenna
D Dey, J Kohoutek, RM Gelfand, A Bonakdar, H Mohseni
Optics letters 35 (16), 2783-2785, 2010
Template stripped double nanohole in a gold film for nano-optical tweezers
A Zehtabi-Oskuie, AA Zinck, RM Gelfand, R Gordon
Nanotechnology 25 (49), 495301, 2014
Integrated all-optical infrared switchable plasmonic quantum cascade laser
J Kohoutek, A Bonakdar, R Gelfand, D Dey, I Hassani Nia, V Fathipour, ...
Nano letters 12 (5), 2537-2541, 2012
Signal-to-noise performance of a short-wave infrared nanoinjection imager
OG Memis, J Kohoutek, W Wu, RM Gelfand, H Mohseni
Optics letters 35 (16), 2699-2701, 2010
Nanocavity plasmonic device for ultrabroadband single molecule sensing
RM Gelfand, L Bruderer, H Mohseni
Optics letters 34 (7), 1087-1089, 2009
A short-wave infrared nanoinjection imager with 2500 A/W responsivity and low excess noise
OG Memis, J Kohoutek, W Wu, RM Gelfand, H Mohseni
IEEE Photonics Journal 2 (5), 858-864, 2010
Isolated nanoinjection photo detectors for high-speed and high-sensitivity single-photon detection
V Fathipour, OG Memis, SJ Jang, F Khalid, RL Brown, I Hassaninia, ...
Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications III 8868, 25-32, 2013
The effect of Nb substitution on synthesis and photo-response of TiO2 thin films prepared by direct current magnetron sputtering
PA DeSario, ME Graham, RM Gelfand, KA Gray
Thin Solid Films 519 (11), 3562-3568, 2011
Towards an integrated chip-scale plasmonic biosensor
RM Gelfand, D Dey, J Kohoutek, A Bonakdar, SC Hur, DD Carlo, ...
Optics and Photonics News 22 (4), 32-37, 2011
Nanoaperture fabrication in ultra-smooth single-grain gold films with helium ion beam lithography
C Zhang, J Li, A Belianinov, Z Ma, CK Renshaw, RM Gelfand
Nanotechnology 31 (46), 465302, 2020
Mechanical frequency and amplitude modulation of a quantum cascade laser integrated with a plasmonic nanoantenna
J Kohoutek, D Dey, A Bonakdar, R Gelfand, V Fathipour, OG Memis, ...
Small 8 (24), 3781-3785, 2012
Advances in translational nanotechnology: challenges and opportunities
SS Mohapatra, RD Frisina, S Mohapatra, KB Sneed, E Markoutsa, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (14), 4881, 2020
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Articles 1–20