Darko Belavic
Darko Belavic
HIPOT-RR; c/o Jozef Stefan Institute
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Overview on low temperature co-fired ceramic sensors
D Jurków, T Maeder, A Dąbrowski, M Santo Zarnik, D Belavič, H Bartsch, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 233, 125-146, 2015
An Experimental and Numerical Study of the Humidity Effect on the Stability of a Capacitive Ceramic Pressure Sensor.
MS Zarnik, D Belavic
Radioengineering 21 (1), 2012
A characterisation of thick film resistors for strain gauge applications
M Hrovat, D Belavič, Z Samardžija, J Holc
Journal of materials science 36, 2679-2689, 2001
Thick-film temperature sensors on alumina and LTCC substrates
M Hrovat, D Belavič, J Kita, J Cilenšek, L Golonka, A Dziedzic
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25 (15), 3443-3450, 2005
The influence of firing temperature on the electrical and microstructural characteristics of thick-film resistors for strain gauge applications
M Hrovat, A Benčan, D Belavič, J Holc, G Dražič
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 103 (3), 341-352, 2003
Thick-film resistors on various substrates as sensing elements for strain-gauge applications
M Hrovat, D Belavič, A Benčan, J Bernard, J Holc, J Cilenšek, W Smetana, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 107 (3), 261-272, 2003
The application of thick-film technology in C-MEMS
D Belavic, M Hrovat, J Holc, MS Zarnik, M Kosec, M Pavlin
Journal of electroceramics 19, 363-368, 2007
Characterisation of thick film resistor series for strain sensors
M Hrovat, D Belavic, Z Samardžija
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (10-11), 2001
Feasibility study of a thick‐film PZT resonant pressure sensor made on a prefired 3D LTCC structure
MS Zarnik, D Belavič, S Maček, J Holc
International journal of applied ceramic technology 6 (1), 9-17, 2009
The development of microstructural and electrical characteristics in some thick-film resistors during firing
M Hrovat, Z Samardžija, J Holc, D Belavič
Journal of materials science 37, 2331-2339, 2002
Low-frequency noise of thick-film resistors as quality and reliability indicator
D Rocak, D Belavic, M Hrovat, J Sikula, P Koktavy, J Pavelka, ...
Microelectronics Reliability 41 (4), 531-542, 2001
The warm-up and offset stability of a low-pressure piezoresistive ceramic pressure sensor
M Santo Zarnik, D Belavic, S Macek
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 158 (2), 198-206, 2010
Characterization of PZT thick films fired on LTCC substrates.
M Hrovat, J Holc, S Drnovšek, D Belavič, J Bernard, M Kosec, L Golonka, ...
Journal of materials science letters 22 (17), 2003
Integrated piezoelectric vibration system for fouling mitigation in ceramic filtration membranes
D Kuscer, T Rojac, D Belavič, M Santo Zarnik, A Bradeško, T Kos, B Malič, ...
Journal of membrane science 540, 277-284, 2017
Microstructural, XRD and electrical characterization of some thick film resistors
M Hrovat, Z Samardzija, J Holc, D Belavic
Journal of materials science: materials in electronics 11, 199-208, 2000
An evaluation of some commercial thick film resistor materials for strain gauges
M Hrovat, J Holc, D Belavič, S Šoba
Journal of materials science letters 13 (13), 992-995, 1994
A miniature fuel reformer system for portable power sources
G Dolanc, D Belavič, M Hrovat, S Hočevar, A Pohar, J Petrovčič, ...
Journal of Power Sources 271, 392-400, 2014
Microstructural and electrical characteristics of some “overfired” thick-film resistors
M Hrovat, Z Samardžija, J Holc, D Belavič
Journal of materials science letters 20, 347-351, 2001
Subsolidus phase equilibria in the RuO2–Bi2O3–SiO2 system
M Hrovat, T Maeder, J Holc, D Belavič, J Cilenšek, J Bernard
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28 (11), 2221-2224, 2008
Modeling of methanol decomposition on Pt/CeO2/ZrO2 catalyst in a packed bed microreactor
A Pohar, D Belavič, G Dolanc, S Hočevar
Journal of Power Sources 256, 80-87, 2014
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Articles 1–20