John T. Harvey
John T. Harvey
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Pavement Research Center, University of California, D
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Cited by
Efficacy and safety of nerinetide for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke (ESCAPE-NA1): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial
MD Hill, M Goyal, BK Menon, RG Nogueira, RA McTaggart, AM Demchuk, ...
The Lancet 395 (10227), 878-887, 2020
Extending thrombolysis to 4· 5–9 h and wake-up stroke using perfusion imaging: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data
BCV Campbell, H Ma, PA Ringleb, MW Parsons, L Churilov, M Bendszus, ...
The Lancet 394 (10193), 139-147, 2019
Machine learning in high energy physics community white paper
K Albertsson, P Altoe, D Anderson, M Andrews, JP Araque Espinosa, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1085, 022008, 2018
The use of reflective and permeable pavements as a potential practice for heat island mitigation and stormwater management
H Li, JT Harvey, TJ Holland, M Kayhanian
Environmental Research Letters 8 (1), 015023, 2013
Field measurement of albedo for different land cover materials and effects on thermal performance
H Li, J Harvey, A Kendall
Building and environment 59, 536-546, 2013
Test methods to predict moisture sensitivity of hot-mix asphalt pavements
M Solaimanian, J Harvey, M Tahmoressi, V Tandon
Transportation research board national seminar. San Diego, California, 77-110, 2003
Permeability measurement and scan imaging to assess clogging of pervious concrete pavements in parking lots
M Kayhanian, D Anderson, JT Harvey, D Jones, B Muhunthan
Journal of Environmental management 95 (1), 114-123, 2012
Life cycle energy consumption and GHG emission from pavement rehabilitation with different rolling resistance
T Wang, IS Lee, A Kendall, J Harvey, EB Lee, C Kim
Journal of Cleaner Production 33, 86-96, 2012
Effect of intravenous tenecteplase dose on cerebral reperfusion before thrombectomy in patients with large vessel occlusion ischemic stroke: the EXTEND-IA TNK part 2 randomized …
BCV Campbell, PJ Mitchell, L Churilov, N Yassi, TJ Kleinig, RJ Dowling, ...
Jama 323 (13), 1257-1265, 2020
Pavement life cycle assessment framework
J Harvey, J Meijer, H Ozer, IL Al-Qadi, A Saboori, A Kendall
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 2016
Repeatability and sensitivity of FTIR ATR spectral analysis methods for bituminous binders
B Hofko, MZ Alavi, H Grothe, D Jones, J Harvey
Materials and Structures 50, 1-15, 2017
Towards sustainable pavement systems: a reference document
TJ Van Dam, J Harvey, ST Muench, KD Smith, MB Snyder, IL Al-Qadi, ...
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 2015
Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the cement industry via value chain mitigation strategies
SA Miller, G Habert, RJ Myers, JT Harvey
One Earth 4 (10), 1398-1411, 2021
Effects of asphalt content and air void content on mix fatigue and stiffness
JT Harvey, BW Tsai
Transportation research record 1543 (1), 38-45, 1996
A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s
HEP Software Foundation hsf-editorial-secretariat@ googlegroups. com, ...
Computing and software for big science 3, 1-49, 2019
Intravenous alteplase for stroke with unknown time of onset guided by advanced imaging: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data
G Thomalla, F Boutitie, H Ma, M Koga, P Ringleb, LH Schwamm, O Wu, ...
The Lancet 396 (10262), 1574-1584, 2020
Comparative field permeability measurement of permeable pavements using ASTM C1701 and NCAT permeameter methods
H Li, M Kayhanian, JT Harvey
Journal of environmental management 118, 144-152, 2013
Performance enhancement of porous asphalt pavement using red mud as alternative filler
H Zhang, H Li, Y Zhang, D Wang, J Harvey, H Wang
Construction and building materials 160, 707-713, 2018
Fatigue performance of asphalt concrete mixes and its relationship to asphalt concrete pavement performance in California
JT Harvey, JA Deacon, BW Tsai, CL Monismith
Permanent deformation response of asphalt-aggregate mixes
JB Sousa, JA Deacon, S Weissman, JT Harvey, CL Monismith, RB Leahy, ...
Rep. No. SHRP-A 415, 1994
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Articles 1–20