Jacques-E. Moser
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Cited by
Lead iodide perovskite sensitized all-solid-state submicron thin film mesoscopic solar cell with efficiency exceeding 9%
HS Kim, CR Lee, JH Im, KB Lee, T Moehl, A Marchioro, SJ Moon, ...
Scientific reports 2 (1), 591, 2012
Solid-state dye-sensitized mesoporous TiO2 solar cells with high photon-to-electron conversion efficiencies
U Bach, D Lupo, P Comte, JE Moser, F Weissörtel, J Salbeck, H Spreitzer, ...
Nature 395 (6702), 583-585, 1998
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic analysis of dye-sensitized solar cells
Q Wang, JE Moser, M Grätzel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (31), 14945-14953, 2005
A stable quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell with an amphiphilic ruthenium sensitizer and polymer gel electrolyte
P Wang, SM Zakeeruddin, JE Moser, MK Nazeeruddin, T Sekiguchi, ...
Nature materials 2 (6), 402-407, 2003
Dye-sensitized solar cells for efficient power generation under ambient lighting
M Freitag, J Teuscher, Y Saygili, X Zhang, F Giordano, P Liska, J Hua, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (6), 372-378, 2017
Subpicosecond interfacial charge separation in dye-sensitized nanocrystalline titanium dioxide films
Y Tachibana, JE Moser, M Grätzel, DR Klug, JR Durrant
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (51), 20056-20062, 1996
Vectorial electron injection into transparent semiconductor membranes and electric field effects on the dynamics of light-induced charge separation
B O'regan, J Moser, M Anderson, M Graetzel
Journal of Physical Chemistry 94 (24), 8720-8726, 1990
Charge carrier trapping and recombination dynamics in small semiconductor particles
G Rothenberger, J Moser, M Graetzel, N Serpone, DK Sharma
Journal of the American Chemical Society 107 (26), 8054-8059, 1985
Unreacted PbI2 as a Double-Edged Sword for Enhancing the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells
TJ Jacobsson, JP Correa-Baena, E Halvani Anaraki, B Philippe, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (32), 10331-10343, 2016
Unravelling the mechanism of photoinduced charge transfer processes in lead iodide perovskite solar cells
A Marchioro, J Teuscher, D Friedrich, M Kunst, R Van De Krol, T Moehl, ...
Nature photonics 8 (3), 250-255, 2014
Parameters influencing charge recombination kinetics in dye-sensitized nanocrystalline titanium dioxide films
SA Haque, Y Tachibana, RL Willis, JE Moser, M Grätzel, DR Klug, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104 (3), 538-547, 2000
A new ionic liquid electrolyte enhances the conversion efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells
P Wang, SM Zakeeruddin, JE Moser, M Grätzel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (48), 13280-13285, 2003
Surface complexation of colloidal semiconductors strongly enhances interfacial electron-transfer rates
J Moser, S Punchihewa, PP Infelta, M Graetzel
Langmuir 7 (12), 3012-3018, 1991
High molar extinction coefficient heteroleptic ruthenium complexes for thin film dye-sensitized solar cells
D Kuang, S Ito, B Wenger, C Klein, JE Moser, R Humphry-Baker, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (12), 4146-4154, 2006
A cobalt complex redox shuttle for dye-sensitized solar cells with high open-circuit potentials
JH Yum, E Baranoff, F Kessler, T Moehl, S Ahmad, T Bessho, A Marchioro, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 631, 2012
Highly efficient sensitization of titanium dioxide
J Desilvestro, M Graetzel, L Kavan, J Moser, J Augustynski
Journal of the American Chemical Society 107 (10), 2988-2990, 1985
Efficiencies of photoinduced electron-transfer reactions: role of the Marcus inverted region in return electron transfer within geminate radical-ion pairs
IR Gould, D Ege, JE Moser, S Farid
Journal of the American Chemical Society 112 (11), 4290-4301, 1990
An organic redox electrolyte to rival triiodide/iodide in dye-sensitized solar cells
M Wang, N Chamberland, L Breau, JE Moser, R Humphry-Baker, ...
Nature Chemistry 2 (5), 385-389, 2010
Femtosecond Electron-Transfer Dynamics at a Sensitizing Dye−Semiconductor (TiO2) Interface
JM Rehm, GL McLendon, Y Nagasawa, K Yoshihara, J Moser, M Grätzel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (23), 9577-9578, 1996
CoII (dbbip) 22+ complex rivals tri-iodide/iodide redox mediator in dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells
H Nusbaumer, JE Moser, SM Zakeeruddin, MK Nazeeruddin, M Grätzel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105 (43), 10461-10464, 2001
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Articles 1–20