Vanessa Varaljay
Vanessa Varaljay
Infectious Diseases Institute | The Ohio State University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Genome characteristics of a generalist marine bacterial lineage
RJ Newton, LE Griffin, KM Bowles, C Meile, S Gifford, CE Givens, ...
The ISME journal 4 (6), 784-798, 2010
Sizing up metatranscriptomics
MA Moran, B Satinsky, SM Gifford, H Luo, A Rivers, LK Chan, J Meng, ...
The ISME journal 7 (2), 237-243, 2013
Prenatal stress affects placental cytokines and neurotrophins, commensal microbes, and anxiety-like behavior in adult female offspring
TL Gur, L Shay, AV Palkar, S Fisher, VA Varaljay, S Dowd, MT Bailey
Brain, behavior, and immunity 64, 50-58, 2017
Novel pathway for assimilation of dimethylsulphoniopropionate widespread in marine bacteria
CR Reisch, MJ Stoudemayer, VA Varaljay, IJ Amster, MA Moran, ...
Nature 473 (7346), 208-211, 2011
AlphaFold2 models indicate that protein sequence determines both structure and dynamics
HB Guo, A Perminov, S Bekele, G Kedziora, S Farajollahi, V Varaljay, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 10696, 2022
RubisCO of a nucleoside pathway known from Archaea is found in diverse uncultivated phyla in bacteria
KC Wrighton, CJ Castelle, VA Varaljay, S Satagopan, CT Brown, ...
The ISME journal 10 (11), 2702-2714, 2016
Deep Sequencing of a Dimethylsulfoniopropionate-Degrading Gene (dmdA) by Using PCR Primer Pairs Designed on the Basis of Marine Metagenomic Data
VA Varaljay, EC Howard, S Sun, MA Moran
Applied and environmental microbiology 76 (2), 609-617, 2010
Environmental, biochemical and genetic drivers of DMSP degradation and DMS production in the Sargasso Sea
NM Levine, VA Varaljay, DA Toole, JWH Dacey, SC Doney, MA Moran
Environmental microbiology 14 (5), 1210-1223, 2012
An enhanced Lactobacillus reuteri biofilm formulation that increases protection against experimental necrotizing enterocolitis
JK Olson, JB Navarro, JM Allen, CJ McCulloh, L Mashburn-Warren, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 315 (3 …, 2018
Single-taxon field measurements of bacterial gene regulation controlling DMSP fate
VA Varaljay, J Robidart, CM Preston, SM Gifford, BP Durham, AS Burns, ...
The ISME journal 9 (7), 1677-1686, 2015
The biodegradation of polyester and polyester polyurethane coatings using Papiliotrema laurentii
CS Hung, DE Barlow, VA Varaljay, CA Drake, AL Crouch, JN Russell Jr, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 139, 34-43, 2019
Bacterial dimethylsulfoniopropionate degradation genes in the oligotrophic north pacific subtropical gyre
VA Varaljay, SM Gifford, ST Wilson, S Sharma, DM Karl, MA Moran
Applied and environmental microbiology 78 (8), 2775-2782, 2012
Stressor exposure has prolonged effects on colonic microbial community structure in Citrobacter rodentium-challenged mice
JD Galley, AR Mackos, VA Varaljay, MT Bailey
Scientific reports 7 (1), 45012, 2017
Functional metagenomic selection of ribulose 1, 5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from uncultivated bacteria
VA Varaljay, S Satagopan, JA North, B Witte, MN Dourado, ...
Environmental microbiology 18 (4), 1187-1199, 2016
Role of the intestinal microbiota in host responses to stressor exposure
AR Mackos, VA Varaljay, R Maltz, TL Gur, MT Bailey
International review of neurobiology 131, 1-19, 2016
Organism engineering for the bioproduction of the triaminotrinitrobenzene (TATB) precursor phloroglucinol (PG)
A Meyer, I Saaem, A Silverman, VA Varaljay, R Mickol, S Blum, AV Tobias, ...
ACS synthetic biology 8 (12), 2746-2755, 2019
Artificial intelligence for synthetic biology
M Eslami, A Adler, RS Caceres, JG Dunn, N Kelley-Loughnane, ...
Communications of the ACM 65 (5), 88-97, 2022
Screening enzymatic degradation of polyester polyurethane with fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotube and polymer nanoparticle conjugates
MT Kuo, JF Raffaelle, EMK Waller, VA Varaljay, D Wagner, ...
ACS nano 17 (17), 17021-17030, 2023
Current progress towards understanding the biodegradation of synthetic condensation polymers with active hydrolases
AN Johnson, DE Barlow, AL Kelly, VA Varaljay, WJ Crookes‐Goodson, ...
Polymer International 70 (7), 977-983, 2021
Accurate prediction by AlphaFold2 for ligand binding in a reductive dehalogenase and implications for PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substance) biodegradation
HB Guo, VA Varaljay, G Kedziora, K Taylor, S Farajollahi, N Lombardo, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4082, 2023
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