Goknur Tutuncu
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BiFeO3 Ceramics: Processing, Electrical, and Electromechanical Properties
T Rojac, A Bencan, B Malic, G Tutuncu, JL Jones, JE Daniels, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97 (7), 1993-2011, 2014
Domain wall and interphase boundary motion in a two-phase morphotropic phase boundary ferroelectric: Frequency dispersion and contribution to piezoelectric and dielectric …
JL Jones, E Aksel, G Tutuncu, TM Usher, J Chen, X Xing, AJ Studer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (2), 024104, 2012
Domain wall motion and electromechanical strain in lead-free piezoelectrics: Insight from the model system (1 x)Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3–x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 using in situ highenergy X …
G Tutuncu, B Li, K Bowman, J Jones
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115 (14), 144104, 2014
Two-step polarization reversal in biased ferroelectrics
JE Daniels, C Cozzan, S Ukritnukun, G Tutuncu, J Andrieux, J Glaum, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (22), 2014
Deaging and asymmetric energy landscapes in electrically biased ferroelectrics
G Tutuncu, D Damjanovic, J Chen, JL Jones
Physical review letters 108 (17), 177601, 2012
Electric field-induced phase transitions in Li-modified Na0. 5K0. 5NbO3 at the polymorphic phase boundary
T Iamsasri, G Tutuncu, C Uthaisar, S Wongsaenmai, S Pojprapai, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (2), 2015
Unexpectedly high piezoelectricity of Sm-doped lead zirconate titanate in the Curie point region
SB Seshadri, MM Nolan, G Tutuncu, JS Forrester, E Sapper, G Esteves, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 4120, 2018
Piezoelectric K0.5Na0.5NbO3 Ceramics Textured Using Needlelike K0.5Na0.5NbO3 Templates
AB Haugen, GH Olsen, F Madaro, MI Morozov, G Tutuncu, JL Jones, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97 (12), 3818-3825, 2014
Analysis methods for characterizing ferroelectric/ferroelastic domain reorientation in orthorhombic perovskite materials and application to Li-doped Na0. 5K0. 5NbO3
T Iamsasri, G Tutuncu, C Uthaisar, S Pojprapai, JL Jones
Journal of Materials Science, 1-6, 2013
In Situ Observations of Templated Grain Growth in (Na0.5K0.5)0.98Li0.02NbO3 Piezoceramics: Texture Development and Template–Matrix Interactions
G Tutuncu, Y Chang, S Poterala, GL Messing, JL Jones
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95 (8), 2653-2659, 2012
Extensive domain wall motion and deaging resistance in morphotropic 0.55 Bi (Ni1/2Ti1/2) O3–0.45 PbTiO3 polycrystalline ferroelectrics
G Tutuncu, L Fan, J Chen, X Xing, JL Jones
Applied Physics Letters 104 (13), 2014
Interaction Dynamics Between Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Domains in a -Based Ceramic
Z Fan, F Xue, G Tutuncu, LQ Chen, X Tan
Physical Review Applied 11 (6), 064050, 2019
Extrinsic contributions to piezoelectric Rayleigh behavior in morphotropic PbTiO3 - BiScO3
G Tutuncu, JS Forrester, J Chen, JL Jones
Acta Materialia 137, 45-53, 2017
Effect of mechanical depoling on piezoelectric properties of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3–xBaTiO3 in the morphotropic phase boundary region
LM Denis, J Glaum, M Hoffman, JE Daniels, RJ Hooper, G Tutuncu, JS Forrester ...
Journal of Materials Science 53 (3), 1672-1679, 2018
Tailored multivariate analysis for modulated enhanced diffraction
R Caliandro, P Guccione, G Nico, G Tutuncu, JC Hanson
Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, 2015
Domain wall and interphase boundary motion in (1−x)Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3–xPbTiO3 near the morphotropic phase boundary
G Tutuncu, J Chen, L Fan, CM Fancher, JS Forrester, J Zhao, JL Jones
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (044103), 2016
Strain incompatibility and residual strains in ferroelectric single crystals
A Pramanick, JL Jones, G Tutuncu, D Ghosh, AD Stoica, K An
Scientific Reports 2 (1), 1-6, 2012
A modified Rietveld method to model highly anisotropic ceramics
G Tutuncu, M Motahari, MR Daymond, E Ustundag
Acta materialia 60 (4), 1494-1502, 2012
Strain Evolution of Highly Asymmetric Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Ceramics via a Self‐Consistent Model and In Situ X‐Ray Diffraction
G Tutuncu, M Motahari, J Bernier, M Varlioglu, JL Jones, E Ustundag
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95 (12), 3947-3954, 2012
Analysis and interpretation of diffraction data from complex, anisotropic materials
G Tutuncu
Iowa State University, 2010
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Articles 1–20