Stelios Vitalis
Stelios Vitalis
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
CityJSON: A compact and easy-to-use encoding of the CityGML data model
H Ledoux, K Arroyo Ohori, K Kumar, B Dukai, A Labetski, S Vitalis
Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards 4 (1), 1-12, 2019
Automated 3D reconstruction of LoD2 and LoD1 models for all 10 million buildings of the Netherlands
R Peters, B Dukai, S Vitalis, J van Liempt, J Stoter
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 88 (3), 165-170, 2022
3D building metrics for urban morphology
A Labetski, S Vitalis, F Biljecki, K Arroyo Ohori, J Stoter
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 37 (1), 36-67, 2023
CityJSON in QGIS: Development of an open‐source plugin
S Vitalis, K Arroyo Ohori, J Stoter
Transactions in GIS 24 (5), 1147-1164, 2020
PSSNet: Planarity-sensible semantic segmentation of large-scale urban meshes
GAO Weixiao, L Nan, B Boom, H Ledoux
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 196, 32-44, 2023
Reference study of CityGML software support: The GeoBIM benchmark 2019—Part II
F Noardo, K Arroyo Ohori, F Biljecki, C Ellul, L Harrie, T Krijnen, ...
Transactions in GIS 25 (2), 842-868, 2021
A data structure to incorporate versioning in 3D city models
S Vitalis, A Labetski, K Arroyo Ohori, H Ledoux, J Stoter
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2019
Incorporating Topological Representation in 3D City Models
S Vitalis, KA Ohori, J Stoter
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5 (1), 61, 2019
State of the art in 3D city modelling: Six challenges facing 3D data as a platform
JE Stoter, GAKA Ohori, B Dukai, A Labetski, K Kavisha, S Vitalis, ...
GIM International: the worldwide magazine for geomatics 34, 2020
Cityjson+ web= ninja
S Vitalis, A Labetski, F Boersma, F Dahle, X Li, K Arroyo Ohori, H Ledoux, ...
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2020
The impact of level of detail in 3D city models for CFD-based wind flow simulations
C García-Sánchez, S Vitalis, I Paden, J Stoter
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2021
Quality assessment of a nationwide data set containing automatically reconstructed 3D building models
B Dukai, R Peters, S Vitalis, J Van Liempt, J Stoter
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2021
CityJSON: a compact and easy-to-use encoding of the CityGML data model. Open Geospatial Data Softw Stand 4 (4)
H Ledoux, K Arroyo Ohori, K Kumar, B Dukai, A Labetski, S Vitalis
From road centrelines to carriageways—A reconstruction algorithm
S Vitalis, A Labetski, H Ledoux, J Stoter
PLoS one 17 (2), e0262801, 2022
Applying versioning to multi-LoD 3D city models
S Vitalis, KA Ohori, J Stoter
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2022
CityJSON: a compact and easy-to-use encoding of the CityGML data model. Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards. 2019; 4 (4)
H Ledoux, KA Ohori, K Kumar, B Dukai, A Labetski, S Vitalis
Topological Reconstruction of 3D City Models with preservation of semantics
S Vitalis, KA Ohori, J Stoter
Geospatial Technologies for All: Short Papers, Posters and Poster Abstracts …, 2018
Multi-disciplinary Use of Three-Dimensional Geospatial Information
T Krijnen, F Noardo, KA Ohori, J Stoter
Industry 4.0 for the Built Environment: Methodologies, Technologies and …, 2022
A framework for the representation of two versions of a 3D city model in 4D space
S Vitalis, K Arroyo Ohori, J Stoter
name ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2018
LoD2 voor alle 10 miljoen BAG-panden in Nederland
RY Peters, B Dukai, S Vitalis, JNH van Liempt, JE Stoter
Geo-Info 18 (1), 2021
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