F. Jacob Seagull
F. Jacob Seagull
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Patients benefit while surgeons suffer: an impending epidemic
A Park, G Lee, FJ Seagull, N Meenaghan, D Dexter
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 210 (3), 306-313, 2010
The hostile environment of the intensive care unit
Y Donchin, FJ Seagull
Current opinion in critical care 8 (4), 316-320, 2002
Work coordination, workflow, and workarounds in a medical context
M Kobayashi, SR Fussell, Y Xiao, FJ Seagull
CHI'05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1561-1564, 2005
Target cuing in visual search: The effects of conformality and display location on the allocation of visual attention
M Yeh, CD Wickens, FJ Seagull
Human Factors 41 (4), 524-542, 1999
Anesthesia alarms in context: an observational study
FJ Seagull, PM Sanderson
Human Factors 43 (1), 66-78, 2001
Techniques for delivering coordination data for a shared facility
Y Xiao, FMP Hu, FJ Seagull, CF Mackenzie
US Patent 8,135,602, 2012
When is less more? Attention and workload in auditory, visual, and redundant patient-monitoring conditions
FJ Seagull, CD Wickens, RG Loeb
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 45 …, 2001
Adaptive leadership in trauma resuscitation teams: a grounded theory approach to video analysis
Y Xiao, FJ Seagull, CF Mackenzie, K Klein
Cognition, Technology & Work 6, 158-164, 2004
Simulated abdominal wall
AE Park, FJ Seagull, IM George
US Patent 8,297,982, 2012
Video-based training increases sterile-technique compliance during central venous catheter insertion
Y Xiao, FJ Seagull, GV Bochicchio, JL Guzzo, RP Dutton, A Sisley, ...
Critical care medicine 35 (5), 1302-1306, 2007
Disparities between industrial and surgical ergonomics
FJ Seagull
Work 41 (Supplement 1), 4669-4672, 2012
An algorithm for processing vital sign monitoring data to remotely identify operating room occupancy in real-time
Y Xiao, P Hu, H Hu, D Ho, F Dexter, CF Mackenzie, FJ Seagull, RP Dutton
Anesthesia & Analgesia 101 (3), 823-829, 2005
An analysis of problems with auditory alarms: Defining the roles of alarms in process monitoring tasks
Y Xiao, FJ Seagull
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 43 (3 …, 1999
Filling a void: developing a standard subjective assessment tool for surgical simulation through focused review of current practices
FJ Seagull, DM Rooney
Surgery 156 (3), 718-722, 2014
Transfer of training in the development of intracorporeal suturing skill in medical student novices: a prospective randomized trial
C Muresan III, TH Lee, J Seagull, AE Park
The American journal of surgery 200 (4), 537-541, 2010
Coordination challenges in operating-room management: an in-depth field study
CL Plasters, FJ Seagull, Y Xiao
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2003, 524, 2003
Organizational-historical analysis of the" failure to respond to alarm" problems
Y Xiao, FJ Seagull, F Nieves-Khouw, N Barczak, S Perkins
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2004
Team communication patterns as measures of team processes: Exploring the effects of task urgency and shared team experience
Y Xiao, FJ Seagull, C Mackenzie, J Ziegert, KJ Klein
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 47 …, 2003
Effects of frame of reference and viewing condition on attentional issues with helmet mounted displays
M Yeh, CD Wickens, FJ Seagull
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy poses physical injury risk to surgeons: analysis of hand technique and standing position
Y Youssef, G Lee, C Godinez, E Sutton, RV Klein, IM George, ...
Surgical endoscopy 25, 2168-2174, 2011
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