Laura Haas
Cited by
Cited by
Apparatus, system, and method for database provisioning
E Cialini, LM Haas, BR Iyer, AW Luniewski, J Subrahmonia, NC Wadia, ...
US Patent 7,680,771, 2010
Optimizing queries across diverse data sources
L Haas, D Kossmann, E Wimmers, J Yang
Schema mapping as query discovery
RJ Miller, LM Haas, MA Hernández
International conference on very large data bases, 2000
Towards heterogeneous multimedia information systems: The Garlic approach
MJ Carey, LM Haas, PM Schwarz, M Arya, WF Cody, R Fagin, M Flickner, ...
Proceedings RIDE-DOM'95. Fifth International Workshop on Research Issues in …, 1995
Distributed deadlock detection
KM Chandy, J Misra, LM Haas
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 1 (2), 144-156, 1983
Challenges and opportunities with Big Data 2011-1
D Agrawal, P Bernstein, E Bertino, S Davidson, U Dayal, M Franklin, ...
The Clio project: managing heterogeneity
RJ Miller, MA Hernández, LM Haas, L Yan, CT Howard Ho, R Fagin, ...
ACM Sigmod Record 30 (1), 78-83, 2001
Extensible query processing in Starburst
LM Haas, JC Freytag, GM Lohman, H Pirahesh
Proceedings of the 1989 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1989
Starburst mid-flight: As the dust clears
LM Haas, W Chang, GM Lohman, J McPherson, PF Wilms, G Lapis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering 2 (01), 143-160, 1990
Information integration in the enterprise
PA Bernstein, LM Haas
Communications of the ACM 51 (9), 72-79, 2008
DiscoveryLink: A system for integrated access to life sciences data sources
LM Haas, PM Schwarz, P Kodali, E Kotlar, JE Rice, WC Swope
IBM systems Journal 40 (2), 489-511, 2001
Clio grows up: from research prototype to industrial tool
LM Haas, MA Hernández, H Ho, L Popa, M Roth
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Transforming Heterogeneous Data with Database Middleware beyond Integration
B Niswonger, LM Haas, RJ Miller
Data-driven understanding and refinement of schema mappings
LL Yan, RJ Miller, LM Haas, R Fagin
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2001
Clio: Schema mapping creation and data exchange
R Fagin, LM Haas, M Hernández, RJ Miller, L Popa, Y Velegrakis
Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications: Essays in Honor of John …, 2009
Data integration through database federation
LM Haas, ET Lin, MA Roth
IBM Systems Journal 41 (4), 578-596, 2002
The Lowell database research self-assessment
S Abiteboul, R Agrawal, P Bernstein, M Carey, S Ceri, B Croft, D DeWitt, ...
Communications of the ACM 48 (5), 111-118, 2005
The claremont report on database research
R Agrawal, A Ailamaki, PA Bernstein, EA Brewer, MJ Carey, S Chaudhuri, ...
ACM Sigmod Record 37 (3), 9-19, 2008
A snapshot differential refresh algorithm
B Lindsay, L Haas, C Mohan, H Pirahesh, P Wilms
Proceedings of the 1986 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1986
Clio: A semi-automatic tool for schema mapping
MA Hernandez, RJ Miller, LM Haas
ACM Sigmod Record 30 (2), 607, 2001
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Articles 1–20