Michael Economo
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Cited by
Shared and distinct transcriptomic cell types across neocortical areas
B Tasic, Z Yao, LT Graybuck, KA Smith, TN Nguyen, D Bertagnolli, ...
Nature 563 (7729), 72, 2018
Reconstruction of 1,000 Projection Neurons Reveals New Cell Types and Organization of Long-Range Connectivity in the Mouse Brain
J Winnubst, E Bas, TA Ferreira, Z Wu, MN Economo, P Edson, BJ Arthur, ...
Cell 179 (1), 268-281, 2019
A platform for brain-wide imaging and reconstruction of individual neurons
MN Economo, NG Clack, LD Lavis, CR Gerfen, K Svoboda, EW Myers, ...
Elife 5, e10566, 2016
A cortico-cerebellar loop for motor planning
Z Gao, C Davis, AM Thomas, MN Economo, AM Abrego, K Svoboda, ...
Nature 563 (7729), 113-116, 2018
Distinct descending motor cortex pathways and their roles in movement
MN Economo, S Viswanathan, B Tasic, E Bas, J Winnubst, V Menon, ...
Nature 563 (7729), 79, 2018
Whole-Brain Profiling of Cells and Circuits in Mammals by Tissue Clearing and Light-Sheet Microscopy
HR Ueda, HU Dodt, P Osten, MN Economo, J Chandrashekar, PJ Keller
Neuron 106 (3), 369-387, 2020
Imaging activity in neurons and glia with a Polr2a-based and cre-dependent GCaMP5G-IRES-tdtomato reporter mouse
JM Gee, NA Smith, FR Fernandez, MN Economo, D Brunert, M Rothermel, ...
Neuron 83 (5), 1058-1072, 2014
Optical dissection of odor information processing in vivo using GCaMPs expressed in specified cell types of the olfactory bulb
M Wachowiak, MN Economo, M Díaz-Quesada, D Brunert, DW Wesson, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (12), 5285-5300, 2013
Long distance projections of cortical pyramidal neurons
CR Gerfen, MN Economo, J Chandrashekar
Journal of neuroscience research 96 (9), 1467-1475, 2018
Attractor dynamics gate cortical information flow during decision-making
A Finkelstein, L Fontolan, MN Economo, N Li, S Romani, K Svoboda
Nature neuroscience 24 (6), 843-850, 2021
Control of Mitral/Tufted Cell Output by Selective Inhibition among Olfactory Bulb Glomeruli
MN Economo, KR Hansen, M Wachowiak
Neuron 91 (2), 397-411, 2016
Membrane properties and the balance between excitation and inhibition control gamma-frequency oscillations arising from feedback inhibition
MN Economo, JA White
PLoS computational biology 8 (1), e1002354, 2012
Sensitivity optimization of a rhodopsin-based fluorescent voltage indicator
AS Abdelfattah, J Zheng, A Singh, YC Huang, D Reep, G Tsegaye, ...
Neuron 111 (10), 1547-1563. e9, 2023
Spike resonance properties in hippocampal O-LM cells are dependent on refractory dynamics
TJ Kispersky, FR Fernandez, MN Economo, JA White
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (11), 3637-3651, 2012
Development of theta rhythmicity in entorhinal stellate cells of the juvenile rat
BG Burton, MN Economo, GJ Lee, JA White
Journal of neurophysiology 100 (6), 3144-3157, 2008
Imaging activity in astrocytes and neurons with genetically encoded calcium indicators following in utero electroporation
JM Gee, MB Gibbons, M Taheri, S Palumbos, SC Morris, RM Smeal, ...
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 8, 10, 2015
Dynamic clamp: alteration of response properties and creation of virtual realities in neurophysiology
MN Economo, FR Fernandez, JA White
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (7), 2407-2413, 2010
Inhalation frequency controls reformatting of mitral/tufted cell odor representations in the olfactory bulb
M Díaz-Quesada, IA Youngstrom, Y Tsuno, KR Hansen, MN Economo, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (9), 2189-2206, 2018
Single‐neuron axonal reconstruction: The search for a wiring diagram of the brain
MN Economo, J Winnubst, E Bas, TA Ferreira, J Chandrashekar
Journal of Comparative Neurology 527 (13), 2190-2199, 2019
High-speed multiplane confocal microscopy for voltage imaging in densely labeled neuronal populations
TD Weber, MV Moya, K Kılıç, J Mertz, MN Economo
Nature Neuroscience 26 (9), 1642-1650, 2023
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