Carmen Ristoscu
Carmen Ristoscu
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Phyisics
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Cited by
Strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite coatings synthesized by pulsed-laser deposition: in vitro osteoblast and osteoclast response
C Capuccini, P Torricelli, F Sima, E Boanini, C Ristoscu, B Bracci, G Socol, ...
Acta biomaterialia 4 (6), 1885-1893, 2008
Pulsed laser deposition of hydroxyapatite thin films on Ti-5Al-2.5 Fe substrates with and without buffer layers
V Nelea, C Ristoscu, C Chiritescu, C Ghica, IN Mihailescu, H Pelletier, ...
Applied Surface Science 168 (1-4), 127-131, 2000
Artificial neural network algorithms for 3D printing
MA Mahmood, AI Visan, C Ristoscu, IN Mihailescu
Materials 14 (1), 163, 2020
Levan nanostructured thin films by MAPLE assembling
F Sima, EC Mutlu, MS Eroglu, LE Sima, N Serban, C Ristoscu, ...
Biomacromolecules 12 (6), 2251-2256, 2011
Biofunctional alendronate–hydroxyapatite thin films deposited by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation
A Bigi, E Boanini, C Capuccini, M Fini, IN Mihailescu, C Ristoscu, F Sima, ...
Biomaterials 30 (31), 6168-6177, 2009
Plume emissions accompanying 248 nm laser ablation of graphite in vacuum: effects of pulse duration
F Claeyssens, MNR Ashfold, E Sofoulakis, CG Ristoscu, D Anglos, ...
Journal of applied physics 91 (9), 6162-6172, 2002
Laser thin films deposition and characterization for biomedical applications
F Sima, C Ristoscu, L Duta, O Gallet, K Anselme, IN Mihailescu
Laser surface modification of biomaterials, 77-125, 2016
Antifungal activity of Ag: hydroxyapatite thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition on Ti and Ti modified by TiO2 nanotubes substrates
S Eraković, A Janković, C Ristoscu, L Duta, N Serban, A Visan, ...
Applied Surface Science 293, 37-45, 2014
The effect of laser wavelength on the ablation rate of carbon
J Hoffman, J Chrzanowska, S Kucharski, T Moscicki, IN Mihailescu, ...
Applied Physics A 117, 395-400, 2014
Structural and optical characterization of AlN films grown by pulsed laser deposition
C Ristoscu, C Ducu, G Socol, F Craciunoiu, IN Mihailescu
Applied surface science 248 (1-4), 411-415, 2005
Calcium phosphate thin film processing by pulsed laser deposition and in situ assisted ultraviolet pulsed laser deposition
V Nelea, H Pelletier, M Iliescu, J Werckmann, V Craciun, IN Mihailescu, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 13, 1167-1173, 2002
Structural and biological evaluation of lignin addition to simple and silver-doped hydroxyapatite thin films synthesized by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation
A Janković, S Eraković, C Ristoscu, N Mihailescu, L Duta, A Visan, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 26, 1-14, 2015
Synergistic effects of BMP-2, BMP-6 or BMP-7 with human plasma fibronectin onto hydroxyapatite coatings: A comparative study
I Brigaud, R Agniel, J Leroy-Dudal, S Kellouche, A Ponche, T Bouceba, ...
Acta Biomaterialia 55, 481-492, 2017
Nanostructured ZnO coatings grown by pulsed laser deposition for optical gas sensing of butane
T Mazingue, L Escoubas, L Spalluto, F Flory, G Socol, C Ristoscu, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 98 (7), 2005
Accurate analysis of indium–zinc oxide thin films via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy based on plasma modeling
E Axente, J Hermann, G Socol, L Mercadier, SA Beldjilali, M Cirisan, ...
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 29 (3), 553-564, 2014
SnO2 nanostructured films obtained by pulsed laser ablation deposition
C Ristoscu, L Cultrera, A Dima, A Perrone, R Cutting, HL Du, ...
Applied surface science 247 (1-4), 95-100, 2005
Combinatorial matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation: single-step synthesis of biopolymer compositional gradient thin film assemblies
F Sima, E Axente, LE Sima, U Tuyel, MS Eroglu, N Serban, C Ristoscu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (23), 2012
Estimation of clad geometry and corresponding residual stress distribution in laser melting deposition: Analytical modeling and experimental correlations
MA Mahmood, AC Popescu, CL Hapenciuc, C Ristoscu, AI Visan, M Oane, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 111, 77-91, 2020
Theoretical modelling of phenomena in the pulsed-laser deposition process: Application to Ti targets ablation in low-pressure N2
J Neamtu, IN Mihailescu, C Ristoscu, J Hermann
Journal of applied physics 86 (11), 6096-6106, 1999
Structural characterization of AlN films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition
A Szekeres, Z Fogarassy, P Petrik, E Vlaikova, A Cziraki, G Socol, ...
Applied Surface Science 257 (12), 5370-5374, 2011
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Articles 1–20