Augusto Pieracci
Augusto Pieracci
Professore a contratto, UniMore
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Interfacing human and computer with wireless body area sensor networks: the WiMoCA solution
E Farella, A Pieracci, L Benini, L Rocchi, A Acquaviva
Multimedia Tools and Applications 38, 337-363, 2008
Experimental study of hot-carrier effects in LDMOS transistors
R Versari, A Pieracci
IEEE transactions on Electron Devices 46 (6), 1228-1233, 1999
A wireless body area sensor network for posture detection
E Farella, A Pieracci, L Benini, A Acquaviva
11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06), 454-459, 2006
Design and implementation of WiMoCA node for a body area wireless sensor network
E Farella, A Pieracci, A Acquaviva
2005 Systems Communications (ICW'05, ICHSN'05, ICMCS'05, SENET'05), 342-347, 2005
Hot-carrier reliability in submicrometer LDMOS transistors
R Versari, A Pieracci, S Manzini, C Contiero, B Ricco
International Electron Devices Meeting. IEDM Technical Digest, 371-374, 1997
Introducing tangerine: a tangible interactive natural environment
S Baraldi, A Del Bimbo, L Landucci, N Torpei, O Cafini, E Farella, ...
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 831-834, 2007
Tunneling bursts for negligible SILC degradation
B Ricco, A Pieracci
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 46 (7), 1497-1500, 1999
Fast tunneling programming of nonvolatile memories
R Versari, A Pieracci, D Morigi, B Riccó
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 47 (6), 1297-1299, 2000
Sensing floors for privacy-compliant surveillance of wide areas
M Lombardi, A Pieracci, P Santinelli, R Vezzani, R Cucchiara
2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2013
A new characterization method for hot-carrier degradation in DMOS transistors
A Pieracci, B Ricco
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 45 (8), 1855-1858, 1998
Extraction of channel doping profile in DMOS transistors
A Pieracci, M Lanzoni, P Galbiati, S Manzini, C Contiero, B Ricco
International Electron Devices Meeting. Technical Digest, 485-488, 1996
A general-purpose sensing floor architecture for human-environment interaction
R Vezzani, M Lombardi, A Pieracci, P Santinelli, R Cucchiara
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TIIS) 5 (2), 1-26, 2015
An embedded system for real time vibration analysis
G Merendino, A Pieracci, M Lanzoni, B Riccò
2011 4th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces …, 2011
Human behavior understanding with wide area sensing floors
M Lombardi, A Pieracci, P Santinelli, R Vezzani, R Cucchiara
Human Behavior Understanding: 4th International Workshop, HBU 2013 …, 2013
Fast programming/erasing of thin-oxide EEPROMs
R Versari, A Pieracci, B Ricco
IEEE transactions on Electron Devices 48 (4), 817-819, 2001
Light emission from MOS tunnel diodes
R Versari, A Pieracci, M Manfredi, G Soncini, P Bellutti, B Ricci
International Electron Devices Meeting 1999. Technical Digest (Cat. No …, 1999
Hot-carrier-induced alterations of MOSFET capacitances: a quantitative monitor for electrical degradation
D Esseni, A Pieracci, M Quadrelli, B Ricco
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 45 (11), 2319-2328, 1998
Fowler Nordheim induced light emission from MOS diodes
P Bellutti, GF Dalla Betta, N Zorzi, R Versari, A Pieracci, B Ricco, ...
ICMTS 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on …, 2000
Evolving tuis with smart objects for multi-context interaction
S Baraldi, L Benini, O Cafini, A Del Bimbo, E Farella, G Gelmini, ...
CHI'08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2955-2960, 2008
Substrate for a sensitive floor and method for displaying loads on one substrate
C Lucchese, R Cucchiara, M Lombardi, A Pieracci, P Santinelli, ...
US Patent App. 14/773,374, 2016
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Articles 1–20