Lesley Colgan
Lesley Colgan
Research Scientist, Max Planck Florida Institute
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Cited by
Precise small-molecule recognition of a toxic CUG RNA repeat expansion
SG Rzuczek, LA Colgan, Y Nakai, MD Cameron, D Furling, R Yasuda, ...
Nature chemical biology 13 (2), 188-193, 2017
The beta-1 adrenergic antagonist, betaxolol, improves working memory performance in rats and monkeys
BP Ramos, L Colgan, E Nou, S Ovadia, SR Wilson, AFT Arnsten
Biological psychiatry 58 (11), 894-900, 2005
Cholinergic neuronal defect without cell loss in Huntington's disease
R Smith, H Chung, S Rundquist, MLC Maat-Schieman, L Colgan, ...
Human molecular genetics 15 (21), 3119-3131, 2006
Plasticity of dendritic spines: subcompartmentalization of signaling
LA Colgan, R Yasuda
Annual review of physiology 76 (1), 365-385, 2014
β2 adrenergic agonist, clenbuterol, enhances working memory performance in aging animals
BP Ramos, LA Colgan, E Nou, AFT Arnsten
Neurobiology of aging 29 (7), 1060-1069, 2008
PKCα integrates spatiotemporally distinct Ca2+ and autocrine BDNF signaling to facilitate synaptic plasticity
LA Colgan, M Hu, JA Misler, P Parra-Bueno, CM Moran, M Leitges, ...
Nature neuroscience 21 (8), 1027-1037, 2018
Action potential-independent and pharmacologically unique vesicular serotonin release from dendrites
LA Colgan, SL Cavolo, KG Commons, ES Levitan
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (45), 15737-15746, 2012
Activity-dependent vesicular monoamine transporter-mediated depletion of the nucleus supports somatic release by serotonin neurons
LA Colgan, I Putzier, ES Levitan
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (50), 15878-15887, 2009
Dileucine motif is sufficient for internalization and synaptic vesicle targeting of vesicular acetylcholine transporter
L Colgan, H Liu, SY Huang, YJ Liu
Traffic 8 (5), 512-522, 2007
NF1 is a direct G protein effector essential for opioid signaling to Ras in the striatum
K Xie, LA Colgan, MT Dao, BS Muntean, LP Sutton, C Orlandi, SL Boye, ...
Current Biology 26 (22), 2992-3003, 2016
Rac1 is a downstream effector of PKCα in structural synaptic plasticity
X Tu, R Yasuda, LA Colgan
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1777, 2020
A distinct talin2 structure directs isoform specificity in cell adhesion
ES Rangarajan, MC Primi, LA Colgan, K Chinthalapudi, R Yasuda, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (37), 12885-12899, 2020
Dual regulation of spine-specific and synapse-to-nucleus signaling by PKCδ during plasticity
LA Colgan, P Parra-Bueno, HL Holman, X Tu, A Jain, MF Calubag, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 43 (30), 5432-5447, 2023
Regulatory role of sorting nexin 5 in protein stability and vesicular targeting of vesicular acetylcholine transporter to synaptic vesicle-like vesicles in PC12 cells
M Sun, X Han, F Chang, H Xu, L Colgan, Y Liu
Journal of Biomedical Research 35 (5), 339, 2021
Cryo-Confocal Imaging for CLEM Mapping in Brain Tissues
CI Thomas, NT Urban, Y Sun, LA Colgan, X Tu, R Yasuda, N Kamasawa
Microscopy Today 29 (5), 34-39, 2021
Trafficking and activity dependent function of vesicular transporters
LA Colgan
University of Pittsburgh, 2009
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Articles 1–16