Donald Umstadter
Donald Umstadter
Olson Professor, Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
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Forward ion acceleration in thin films driven by a high-intensity laser
A Maksimchuk, S Gu, K Flippo, D Umstadter, VY Bychenkov
Physical Review Letters 84 (18), 4108, 2000
Production of a keV X-Ray Beam from Synchrotron Radiation in<? format?> Relativistic Laser-Plasma Interaction
A Rousse, KT Phuoc, R Shah, A Pukhov, E Lefebvre, V Malka, S Kiselev, ...
Physical review letters 93 (13), 135005, 2004
Laser injection of ultrashort electron pulses into wakefield plasma waves
D Umstadter, JK Kim, E Dodd
Physical review letters 76 (12), 2073, 1996
Nonlinear optics in relativistic plasmas and laser wake field acceleration of electrons
D Umstadter, SY Chen, A Maksimchuk, G Mourou, R Wagner
Science 273 (5274), 472-475, 1996
Relativistic laser–plasma interactions
D Umstadter
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 36 (8), R151, 2003
Review of physics and applications of relativistic plasmas driven by ultra-intense lasers
D Umstadter
Physics of Plasmas 8 (5), 1774-1785, 2001
Electron acceleration by a laser wakefield in a relativistically self-guided channel
R Wagner, SY Chen, A Maksimchuk, D Umstadter
Physical Review Letters 78 (16), 3125, 1997
Quasi-monoenergetic and tunable X-rays from a laser-driven Compton light source
ND Powers, I Ghebregziabher, G Golovin, C Liu, S Chen, S Banerjee, ...
Nature Photonics 8 (1), 28-31, 2014
Experimental observation of relativistic nonlinear Thomson scattering
S Chen, A Maksimchuk, D Umstadter
Nature 396 (6712), 653-655, 1998
MeV-Energy X Rays from Inverse Compton Scattering with Laser-Wakefield<? format?> Accelerated Electrons
S Chen, ND Powers, I Ghebregziabher, CM Maharjan, C Liu, G Golovin, ...
Physical review letters 110 (15), 155003, 2013
Relativistic plasma-wave excitation by collinear optical mixing
CE Clayton, C Joshi, C Darrow, D Umstadter
Physical review letters 54 (21), 2343, 1985
Development and applications of compact high‐intensity lasers
G Mourou, D Umstadter
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 4 (7), 2315-2325, 1992
Laser-triggered ion acceleration and table top isotope production
K Nemoto, A Maksimchuk, S Banerjee, K Flippo, G Mourou, D Umstadter, ...
Applied Physics Letters 78 (5), 595-597, 2001
Self-focusing, channel formation, and high-energy ion generation in interaction of an intense short laser pulse with a He jet
GS Sarkisov, VY Bychenkov, VN Novikov, VT Tikhonchuk, A Maksimchuk, ...
Physical Review E 59 (6), 7042, 1999
High-order multiphoton Thomson scattering
W Yan, C Fruhling, G Golovin, D Haden, J Luo, P Zhang, B Zhao, J Zhang, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (8), 514-520, 2017
Nonlinear analysis of relativistic harmonic generation by intense lasers in plasmas
E Esarey, A Ting, P Sprangle, D Umstadter, X Liu
IEEE transactions on plasma science 21 (1), 95-104, 1993
High-energy ion generation in interaction. of short laser pulse with high-density plasma
Y Sentoku, VY Bychenkov, K Flippo, A Maksimchuk, K Mima, G Mourou, ...
Applied Physics B 74, 207-215, 2002
Nonlinear plasma waves resonantly driven by optimized laser pulse trains
D Umstadter, E Esarey, J Kim
Physical Review Letters 72 (8), 1224, 1994
Nonlinear Thomson scattering: A tutorial
YY Lau, F He, DP Umstadter, R Kowalczyk
Physics of Plasmas 10 (5), 2155-2162, 2003
Fast ignitor concept with light ions
VY Bychenkov, W Rozmus, A Maksimchuk, D Umstadter, CE Capjack
Plasma Physics Reports 27, 1017-1020, 2001
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Articles 1–20