Jia Fu
Jia Fu
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Cited by
Density functional methods for fast screening of metal–organic frameworks for hydrogen storage
J Fu, Y Liu, Y Tian, J Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (10), 5374-5385, 2015
An ab initio force field for predicting hydrogen storage in IRMOF materials
J Fu, H Sun
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (52), 21815-21824, 2009
Classical density functional theory for methane adsorption in metal‐organic framework materials
J Fu, Y Tian, J Wu
AIChE Journal 61 (9), 3012-3021, 2015
High-throughput prediction of the hydration free energies of small molecules from a classical density functional theory
Y Liu, J Fu, J Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 (21), 3687-3691, 2013
Excess-entropy scaling for gas diffusivity in nanoporous materials
Y Liu, J Fu, J Wu
Langmuir 29 (42), 12997-13002, 2013
Nitrogen-doped porous aromatic frameworks for enhanced CO2 adsorption
J Fu, J Wu, R Custelcean, D Jiang
Journal of colloid and interface science 438, 191-195, 2015
Seeking metal–organic frameworks for methane storage in natural gas vehicles
J Fu, Y Tian, J Wu
Adsorption 21, 499-507, 2015
Molecular density functional theory for multiscale modeling of hydration free energy
J Fu, Y Liu, J Wu
Chemical Engineering Science 126, 370-382, 2015
Fast prediction of hydration free energies for SAMPL4 blind test from a classical density functional theory
J Fu, Y Liu, J Wu
Journal of computer-aided molecular design 28, 299-304, 2014
Toward high-throughput predictions of the hydration free energies of small organic molecules from first principles
J Fu, J Wu
Fluid Phase Equilibria 407, 304-313, 2016
Predicting hydration free energies of amphetamine-type stimulants with a customized molecular model
J Li, J Fu, X Huang, D Lu, J Wu
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (34), 344001, 2016
Prediction of adsorption of small molecules in porous materials based on ab initio force field method
LC Liu, J Fu, H Sun
Science in China Series B: Chemistry 51 (8), 760-767, 2008
Density Functional Theory for High-Throughput Screening of Chemicals and Materials
J Fu
University of California, Riverside, 2015
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Articles 1–13