Jyh-Ying Peng
Jyh-Ying Peng
Senior Principal Data Scientist, GOGOX
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Automatic morphological subtyping reveals new roles of caspases in mitochondrial dynamics
JY Peng, CC Lin, YJ Chen, LS Kao, YC Liu, CC Chou, YH Huang, ...
PLoS computational biology 7 (10), e1002212, 2011
The state space models toolbox for MATLAB
JY Peng, JAD Aston
Journal of Statistical Software 41 (6), 1-26, 2011
Dynamic positron emission tomography data-driven analysis using sparse Bayesian learning
JY Peng, JAD Aston, RN Gunn, CY Liou, J Ashburner
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 27 (9), 1356-1369, 2008
PombeX: Robust Cell Segmentation for Fission Yeast Transillumination Images
JY Peng, YJ Chen, MD Green, SA Sabatinos, SL Forsburg, CN Hsu
PloS one 8 (12), e81434, 2013
Implied distributions in multiple change point problems
JAD Aston, JY Peng, DEK Martin
Statistics and Computing 22 (4), 981-993, 2012
Adaptive image enhancement for fluorescence microscopy
JY Peng, CC Lin, CN Hsu
Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI), 2010 …, 2010
Adaptive local thresholding for fluorescence cell micrographs
JY Peng, CN Hsu
Inst. of Info. Sci., Academia Sinica, Tech. Rep. TR-IIS-09-008, 2009
Modeling time series and sequences using Markov chain embedded finite automata
JY Peng, JAD Aston, CY Liou
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 7 (1 …, 2011
A MATLAB Software Implementation for Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods
JY Peng, JAD Aston
Proceedings of the American Statistical Association Business and Economics …, 2006
Robust cell segmentation for schizosaccharomyces pombe images with focus gradient
JY Peng, YJ Chen, MD Green, SL Forsburg, CN Hsu
Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium on, 414-417, 2013
The ssm toolbox for matlab
JY Peng, JAD Aston
arXiv preprint arXiv:0706.3443, 2007
State Space Models Manual
JY Peng, JAD Aston
URL http://sourceforge. net/projects/ssmodels, 2007
Profiling mitochondrial complex I inhibitors by combining mitochondrial morphological features and maximum common chemical substructures
CC Lin, JY Peng, YH Tseng, CC Chou, FR Chang, YC Wu, LS Kao, ...
Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB), 2014 IEEE International Symposium …, 2014
Automatic phenotyping of multi-channel Schizosaccharomyces pombe images
YJ Chen, MD Green, SA Sabatinos, SL Forsburg, CN Hsu, JY Peng
Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB), 2014 IEEE International Symposium …, 2014
Simultaneous segmentation of cell and nucleus in Schizosaccharomyces pombe images with focus gradient
JY Peng, YJ Chen, MD Green, SL Forsburg, CN Hsu
Healthcare Informatics, Imaging and Systems Biology (HISB), 2012 IEEE Second …, 2012
An automated image analysis system discovers mitochondrial morphological features specific to a natural compound that induces Parkinson diseases
CC Lin, JY Peng, CN Hsu, YJ Chen, LS Kao, YC Liu, CC Chou, ...
第十六届嗜铬细胞国际学术会议论文集, 2011
JY Peng
臺灣大學資訊工程學研究所學位論文, 1-128, 2008
Computing Some Exact Distributions for Features Associated with Markov Regime Switching Models
JAD Aston, JY Peng
Physical Phenomenon from the Viewpoint of Information (Introduction to Quantum Information Theory)
CY Liou, JY Peng
Using Quasi Renewal Processes to Investigate Feature Distributions in Markov Switching Models
J Aston, JY Peng, DEK Martin
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Articles 1–20