James B. Scoggins
Mutation++: Multicomponent thermodynamic and transport properties for ionized gases in c++
JB Scoggins, V Leroy, G Bellas-Chatzigeorgis, B Dias, TE Magin
SoftwareX 12, 100575, 2020
Development of mutation++: Multicomponent thermodynamic and transport properties for ionized plasmas written in c++
JB Scoggins, TE Magin
11th AIAA/ASME joint thermophysics and heat transfer conference, 2966, 2014
Experimental investigation of ablation and pyrolysis processes of carbon-phenolic ablators in atmospheric entry plasmas
B Helber, A Turchi, JB Scoggins, A Hubin, TE Magin
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 100, 810-824, 2016
Detailed chemical equilibrium model for porous ablative materials
J Lachaud, T Van Eekelen, JB Scoggins, TE Magin, NN Mansour
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 90, 1034-1045, 2015
A generic local thermal equilibrium model for porous reactive materials submitted to high temperatures
J Lachaud, JB Scoggins, TE Magin, MG Meyer, NN Mansour
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108, 1406-1417, 2017
Development of numerical methods and study of coupled flow, radiation, and ablation phenomena for atmospheric entry
JB Scoggins
Université Paris-Saclay and VKI, 2017
Gibbs function continuation for linearly constrained multiphase equilibria
JB Scoggins, TE Magin
Combustion and Flame 162 (12), 4514-4522, 2015
Thermodynamic properties of carbon–phenolic gas mixtures
JB Scoggins, J Rabinovitch, B Barros-Fernandez, A Martin, J Lachaud, ...
Aerospace Science and Technology 66, 177-192, 2017
Flow-radiation coupling for atmospheric entries using a Hybrid Statistical Narrow Band model
L Soucasse, JB Scoggins, P Rivière, TE Magin, A Soufiani
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 180, 55-69, 2016
Numerical study of shock interference patterns for gas flows with thermal nonequilibrium and finite-rate chemistry
C Garbacz, M Fossati, W Maier, JJ Alonso, J Scoggins, T Magin, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1805, 2020
Shock interactions in inviscid air and – flows in thermochemical non-equilibrium
C Garbacz, WT Maier, JB Scoggins, TD Economon, T Magin, JJ Alonso, ...
Shock Waves 31 (3), 239-253, 2021
Transport properties for neutral C, H, N, O, and Si-containing species and mixtures from the Gordon and McBride thermodynamic database
G Bellas Chatzigeorgis, JB Haskins, JB Scoggins
Physics of Fluids 34 (8), 2022
Transport properties of carbon-phenolic gas mixtures
A Bellemans, JB Scoggins, RL Jaffe, TE Magin
Physics of Fluids 31 (9), 2019
Development of Mutation++: multicomponent thermodynamic and transport properties for ionized plasmas written in C++//11th AIAA
JB Scoggins, TE Magin
ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, 2014
Luminosity calculation of meteor entry based on detailed flow simulations in the continuum regime
B Dias, JB Scoggins, TE Magin
Astronomy & Astrophysics 635, A184, 2020
Multi-group reductions of LTE air plasma radiative transfer in cylindrical geometries
JB Scoggins, T Magin, AA Wray, N Mansour
44th AIAA Thermophysics Conference, 3142, 2013
Development of reduced kinetic mechanism for pica pyrolysis products
J Scoggins, N Mansour, H Hassan
42nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, 3126, 2013
Uranus Flagship-class Orbiter and Probe Using Aerocapture
S Dutta, E Shellabarger, JB Scoggins, A Gomez-Delrio, R Lugo, ...
AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, 0714, 2024
Crossed contributions to electron and heavy-particle transport fluxes for magnetized plasmas in the continuum regime
JB Scoggins, CP Knisely, TE Magin
AIP Conference Proceedings 1786 (1), 2016
Machine learning moment closures for accurate and efficient simulation of polydisperse evaporating sprays
JB Scoggins, J Han, M Massot
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 1786, 2021
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