Zuzana Palkova
Use of sorption of copper cations by clinoptilolite for wastewater treatment
I Pandová, A Panda, J Valíček, M Harničárová, M Kušnerová, Z Palková
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (7), 1364, 2018
A proposal for simplifying the method of evaluation of uncertainties in measurement results
M Kušnerová, J Valíček, M Harničárová, T Hryniewicz, K Rokosz, ...
Measurement Science Review 13 (1), 1-6, 2013
Identification of upper and lower level yield strength in materials
J Valíček, M Harničárová, I Kopal, Z Palková, M Kušnerová, A Panda, ...
Materials 10 (9), 982, 2017
Vybrané kapitoly z tvorby e-learningových kurzov
G Švejda, Z Palková, M Drlík, T Beláková, Z Horváthová
Nitra: UKF, 2006
Understanding food sustainability from a consumer perspective: A cross cultural exploration
P Torán-Pereg, M Mora, M Thomsen, Z Palkova, S Novoa, ...
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 31, 100646, 2023
Tpack instructional design model in virtual reality for deeper learning in science and higher education: From “apathy” to “empathy”
M Fragkaki, S Mystakidis, I Hatzilygeroudis, K Kovas, Z Palkova, Z Salah, ...
EDULEARN20 Proceedings, 3286-3292, 2020
The use of CPC theory for energy description of two nonlinear receivers
K Zajkowski, I Ruşica, Z Palkova
MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 1-6, 2018
Study of the influence of the structural grain size on the mechanical properties of technical materials
M Harničárová, J Valíček, M Kušnerová, J Kmec, Z Palková, I Kopal, ...
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 50 (5), 635-645, 2019
Using virtual reality as support to the learning process of forensic scenarios
WM Khalilia, M Gombár, Z Palková, M Palko, J Valiček, M Harničárová
IEEE Access 10, 83297-83310, 2022
A generalized regression neural network model for predicting the curing characteristics of carbon black-filled rubber blends
I Kopal, I Labaj, J Vršková, M Harničárová, J Valíček, D Ondrušová, ...
Polymers 14 (4), 653, 2022
Instructional design in virtual reality environments: the case of Palestinian HEIs
M Fragkaki, I Hatzligeroydis, Z Palkova, K Kovas
2019 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and …, 2019
Didactic designing of learning objects
E Vakhtina, Z Palkova
Engineering for Rural Development 14, 661-668, 2015
Z Palkova, I Okenka
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra 203, 2007
Navigation algorithm using fuzzy control method in mobile robotics
V Cviklovič, M OLEjáR, D Hrubý, Z PALkOVá, O LUkáč, P HLAVáč
Acta technologica agriculturae 19 (1), 19-23, 2016
Perspective plan for professional accreditation of agricultural programs based on the analysis of the quality assurance system in the Russian Federation (План развития …
E Horská, M Petropavlovskiy, O Nefedova, V Smelik, A Dobrinov, ...
Nitra–Saint Petersburg: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 2015
Modelling the optimal capacity of an irrigation system using queuing theory.
Z Palkova
Method of using the correlation between the surface roughness of metallic materials and the sound generated during the controlled machining process
V Nahornyi, A Panda, J Valíček, M Harničárová, M Kušnerová, I Pandová, ...
Materials 15 (3), 823, 2022
What do the youth know about alternative energy sources–case study from Hungary and Slovakia
K Takács-György, S Domán, A Tamus, E Horská, Z Palková
Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development 4 (2), 36-41, 2015
Innovative learning: From multimedia to virtual worlds
Z Palkova, E Vakhtina
EDULEARN15 Proceedings, 1590-1599, 2015
A new way of measuring the belt friction coefficient using a digital servomotor
M Kušnerová, M Řepka, M Harničárová, J Valíček, R Danel, J Kmec, ...
Measurement 150, 107100, 2020
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20