Tingyong Chen
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Cited by
Transport magnetic proximity effects in platinum
SY Huang, X Fan, D Qu, YP Chen, WG Wang, J Wu, TY Chen, JQ Xiao, ...
Physical review letters 109 (10), 107204, 2012
A BCS-like gap in the superconductor SmFeAsO0. 85F0. 15
TY Chen, Z Tesanovic, RH Liu, XH Chen, CL Chien
Nature 453 (7199), 1224-1227, 2008
Magnetic, structural, and transport properties of the Heusler alloys Co 2 MnSi and NiMnSb
L Ritchie, G Xiao, Y Ji, TY Chen, CL Chien, M Zhang, J Chen, Z Liu, G Wu, ...
Physical Review B 68 (10), 104430, 2003
Above 400-K robust perpendicular ferromagnetic phase in a topological insulator
C Tang, CZ Chang, G Zhao, Y Liu, Z Jiang, CX Liu, MR McCartney, ...
Science Advances 3 (6), e1700307, 2017
Spin polarization of amorphous CoFeB determined by point-contact Andreev reflection
SX Huang, TY Chen, CL Chien
Applied Physics Letters 92 (24), 2509, 2008
C o 1-x F e x S 2: A Tunable Source of Highly Spin-Polarized Electrons
L Wang, K Umemoto, RM Wentzcovitch, TY Chen, CL Chien, ...
Physical review letters 94 (5), 056602, 2005
Current-driven switching in a single exchange-biased ferromagnetic layer
TY Chen, Y Ji, CL Chien, MD Stiles
Physical review letters 93 (2), 026601, 2004
Spin-dependent band structure effects and measurement of the spin polarization in the candidate half-metal CoS 2
L Wang, TY Chen, C Leighton
Physical Review B 69 (9), 094412, 2004
Altering the superconductor transition temperature by domain-wall arrangements in hybrid ferromagnet-superconductor structures
LY Zhu, TY Chen, CL Chien
Physical review letters 101 (1), 017004, 2008
Composition controlled spin polarization in Co1− xFexS2 alloys
C Leighton, M Manno, A Cady, JW Freeland, L Wang, K Umemoto, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (31), 315219, 2007
Composition controlled spin polarization in Co 1− x Fe x S 2: Electronic, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties
L Wang, TY Chen, CL Chien, JG Checkelsky, JC Eckert, ED Dahlberg, ...
Physical Review B 73 (14), 144402, 2006
Composition controlled spin polarization in Co 1− x Fe x S 2: Electronic, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties
L Wang, TY Chen, CL Chien, JG Checkelsky, JC Eckert, ED Dahlberg, ...
Physical Review B 73 (14), 144402, 2006
Pronounced effects of additional resistance in Andreev reflection spectroscopy
TY Chen, SX Huang, CL Chien
Physical Review B 81 (21), 214444, 2010
Switching by point-contact spin injection in a continuous film
TY Chen, Y Ji, CL Chien
Applied physics letters 84 (3), 380-382, 2004
Enhanced magnetoresistance induced by spin transfer torque in granular films with a magnetic field
TY Chen, SX Huang, CL Chien, MD Stiles
Physical review letters 96 (20), 207203, 2006
Sulfur stoichiometry effects in highly spin polarized CoS2 single crystals
L Wang, TY Chen, CL Chien, C Leighton
Applied physics letters 88 (23), 232509, 2006
Enhanced curie temperature and spin polarization in mn4fege3
TY Chen, CL Chien, C Petrovic
Applied Physics Letters 91 (14), 142505-142505, 2007
Half-metallicity in highly L21-ordered CoFeCrAl thin films
Y Jin, P Kharel, SR Valloppilly, XZ Li, DR Kim, GJ Zhao, TY Chen, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (14), 142410, 2016
Unified Formalism of Andreev Reflection at a Ferromagnet/Superconductor Interface
TY Chen, Z Tesanovic, CL Chien
Physical review letters 109 (14), 146602, 2012
Discovery of a magnetic conductive interface in PbZr 0.2 Ti 0.8 O 3/SrTiO 3 heterostructures
Y Zhang, L Xie, J Kim, A Stern, H Wang, K Zhang, X Yan, L Li, H Liu, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 685, 2018
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