Jennifer Chiu
Professional development and teacher change: The missing leadership link
BA Whitworth, JL Chiu
Journal of Science Teacher Education 26 (2), 121-137, 2015
Teaching and assessing knowledge integration in science
MC Linn, HS Lee, R Tinker, F Husic, JL Chiu
Science 313 (5790), 1049-1050, 2006
The effects of augmented virtual science laboratories on middle school students' understanding of gas properties
JL Chiu, CJ DeJaegher, J Chao
Computers & Education 85, 59-73, 2015
Evidence for effective uses of dynamic visualisations in science curriculum materials
KW McElhaney, HY Chang, JL Chiu, MC Linn
Studies in Science Education 51 (1), 49-85, 2015
Can desirable difficulties overcome deceptive clarity in scientific visualizations
MC Linn, HY Chang, JL Chiu, H Zhang, K McElhaney
Successful remembering and successful forgetting: a Festschrift in honor of …, 2011
Knowledge integration and wise engineering
JL Chiu, MC Linn
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 1 (1), 2, 2011
Sensor-augmented virtual labs: Using physical interactions with science simulations to promote understanding of gas behavior
J Chao, JL Chiu, CJ DeJaegher, EA Pan
Journal of Science Education and Technology 25, 16-33, 2016
The role of self-monitoring in learning chemistry with dynamic visualizations
JL Chiu, MC Linn
Metacognition and science education., 133-164, 2012
Supporting knowledge integration in chemistry with a visualization-enhanced inquiry unit
JL Chiu, MC Linn
Journal of Science Education and Technology 23, 37-58, 2014
Special education teachers' nature of science instructional experiences
BK Mulvey, JL Chiu, R Ghosh, RL Bell
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 53 (4), 554-578, 2016
Supporting Self-Explanation in the Classroom
JL Chiu, MTH Chi
In V.A. Benassi, C.E. Overson, & C.M. Hakala (Eds.). Applying science of …, 2014
Advancing children’s engineering through desktop manufacturing
G Bull, J Chiu, R Berry, H Lipson, C Xie
Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, 675-688, 2014
WISEngineering: Supporting Precollege Engineering Design and Mathematical Understanding
JL Chiu, PT Malcolm, D Hecht, CJ DeJaegher, EA Pan, M Bradley, ...
Computers & Education, 2013
The Teacher Responding Tool: Scaffolding the teacher practice of responding to student ideas in mathematics classrooms
JP Bywater, JL Chiu, J Hong, V Sankaranarayanan
Computers & Education 139, 16-30, 2019
Studying the interactions between science, engineering, and computational thinking in a learning-by-modeling environment
N Zhang, G Biswas, KW McElhaney, S Basu, E McBride, JL Chiu
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 21st International Conference, AIED …, 2020
Teachers’ integration of scientific and engineering practices in primary classrooms
EG Merritt, J Chiu, E Peters-Burton, R Bell
Research in Science Education 48, 1321-1337, 2018
Kinesthetic Investigations in the Physics Classroom
BA Whitworth, JL Chiu, RL Bell
The Physics Teacher 52 (2), 91-93, 2014
Self-assessment and self-explanation for learning chemistry using dynamic molecular visualizations
JL Chiu, MC Linn
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on International conference …, 2008
Investigating the role of a district science coordinator
BA Whitworth, JL Maeng, LB Wheeler, JL Chiu
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 54 (7), 914-936, 2017
An exploratory study of teaching assistants’ motivation for inquiry-based teaching in an undergraduate laboratory context
LB Wheeler, JL Chiu, JL Maeng, RL Bell
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 20 (1), 53-67, 2019
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