Dik Lun Lee
Dik Lun Lee
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Exploiting geographical influence for collaborative point-of-interest recommendation
M Ye, P Yin, WC Lee, DL Lee
Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2011
Meta-graph based recommendation fusion over heterogeneous information networks
H Zhao, Q Yao, J Li, Y Song, DL Lee
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2017
Document ranking and the vector-space model
DL Lee, H Chuang, K Seamons
IEEE software 14 (2), 67-75, 1997
Billion-scale commodity embedding for e-commerce recommendation in alibaba
J Wang, P Huang, H Zhao, Z Zhang, B Zhao, DL Lee
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2018
Location-based spatial queries
J Zhang, M Zhu, D Papadias, Y Tao, DL Lee
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2003
Multi-interest network with dynamic routing for recommendation at Tmall
C Li, Z Liu, M Wu, Y Xu, H Zhao, P Huang, G Kang, Q Chen, W Li, DL Lee
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on information and …, 2019
Ir-tree: An efficient index for geographic document search
Z Li, KCK Lee, B Zheng, WC Lee, D Lee, X Wang
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 23 (4), 585-599, 2010
A generic framework for monitoring continuous spatial queries over moving objects
H Hu, J Xu, DL Lee
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Data management in location-dependent information services
DL Lee, J Xu, B Zheng, WC Lee
IEEE Pervasive computing 1 (3), 65-72, 2002
Server ranking for distributed text retrieval systems on the internet
B Yuwono, DL Lee
Database Systems For Advanced Applications' 97, 41-49, 1997
Cache invalidation and replacement strategies for location-dependent data in mobile environments
B Zheng, J Xu, DL Lee
IEEE Transactions on Computers 51 (10), 1141-1153, 2002
Personalized concept-based clustering of search engine queries
KWT Leung, W Ng, DL Lee
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 20 (11), 1505-1518, 2008
iforest: Interpreting random forests via visual analytics
X Zhao, Y Wu, DL Lee, W Cui
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (1), 407-416, 2019
Semantic caching in location-dependent query processing
B Zheng, DL Lee
International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, 97-113, 2001
Feature reduction for neural network based text categorization
SLY Lam, DL Lee
Proceedings. 6th international conference on advanced systems for advanced …, 1999
Using signature techniques for information filtering in wireless and mobile environments
WC Lee, DL Lee
Distributed and Parallel Databases 4, 205-227, 1996
CLR: a collaborative location recommendation framework based on co-clustering
KWT Leung, DL Lee, WC Lee
Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2011
Range nearest-neighbor query
H Hu, DL Lee
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 18 (1), 78-91, 2005
Search and ranking algorithms for locating resources on the World Wide Web
B Yuwono, DL Lee
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data Engineering, 164-171, 1996
Grid-partition index: a hybrid method for nearest-neighbor queries in wireless location-based services
B Zheng, J Xu, WC Lee, DL Lee
The VLDB Journal 15, 21-39, 2006
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