Anderson Dias
Anderson Dias
Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
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Comment on “Prediction of lattice constant in cubic perovskites”
RL Moreira, A Dias
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 68 (8), 1617-1622, 2007
Pyrite oxidation in alkaline solutions: nature of the product layer
CL Caldeira, VST Ciminelli, A Dias, K Osseo-Asare
International Journal of Mineral Processing 72 (1-4), 373-386, 2003
Effect of Nonstoichiometry on the Structure and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba(Mg0.33Ta0.67)O3
KP Surendran, MT Sebastian, P Mohanan, RL Moreira, A Dias
Chemistry of materials 17 (1), 142-151, 2005
Synthesis and crystal structure of lanthanide orthoniobates studied by vibrational spectroscopy
KPF Siqueira, RL Moreira, A Dias
Chemistry of Materials 22 (8), 2668-2674, 2010
Chemical Substitution in Ba(RE1/2Nb1/2)O3 (RE = La, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Y) Microwave Ceramics and Its Influence on the Crystal Structure and Phonon Modes
A Dias, LA Khalam, MT Sebastian, CWA Paschoal, RL Moreira
Chemistry of materials 18 (1), 214-220, 2006
Raman-spectroscopic evaluation of the long-range order in Ba (B 1/3′ B 2/3 ″) O 3 ceramics
RL Moreira, FM Matinaga, A Dias
Applied Physics Letters 78 (4), 428-430, 2001
Vibrational studies and microwave dielectric properties of A-site-substituted tellurium-based double perovskites
A Dias, G Subodh, MT Sebastian, MM Lage, RL Moreira
Chemistry of Materials 20 (13), 4347-4355, 2008
Electroceramic materials of tailored phase and morphology by hydrothermal technology
A Dias, VST Ciminelli
Chemistry of materials 15 (6), 1344-1352, 2003
Structure and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Sr2+nCe2Ti5+nO15+3n (n ≤ 10) Homologous Series
G Subodh, J James, MT Sebastian, R Paniago, A Dias, RL Moreira
Chemistry of materials 19 (16), 4077-4082, 2007
Chemical, mechanical and dielectric properties after sintering of hydrothermal nickel–zinc ferrites
A Dias, RL Moreira
Materials Letters 39 (1), 69-76, 1999
Raman scattering and X-ray diffraction investigations on hydrothermal barium magnesium niobate ceramics
A Dias, VST Ciminelli, FM Matinaga, RL Moreira
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (15), 2739-2744, 2001
Raman Scattering and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Me6Al2(OH)16Cl2·4H2O (Me = Mg, Ni, Zn, Co, and Mn) and Ca2Al(OH)6Cl·2H2O …
AC Vieira, RL Moreira, A Dias
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (30), 13358-13368, 2009
Microstructural dependence of the magnetic properties of sintered NiZn ferrites from hydrothermal powders
A Dias, RL Moreira, NDS Mohallem, AIC Persiano
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 172 (1-2), L9-L14, 1997
Optical Phonon Modes and Dielectric Behavior of Sr1–3x/2CexTiO3 Microwave Ceramics
RL Moreira, RPSM Lobo, G Subodh, MT Sebastian, FM Matinaga, A Dias
Chemistry of Materials 19 (26), 6548-6554, 2007
Far-infrared spectroscopy in ordered and disordered microwave ceramics
A Dias, RL Moreira
Journal of applied physics 94 (5), 3414-3421, 2003
Layered double hydroxides for remediation of industrial wastewater containing manganese and fluoride
MA Teixeira, AB Mageste, A Dias, LS Virtuoso, KPF Siqueira
Journal of Cleaner Production 171, 275-284, 2018
Use of calcined layered double hydroxides for the removal of color and organic matter from textile effluents: kinetic, equilibrium and recycling studies
TPF Teixeira, SF Aquino, SI Pereira, A Dias
Brazilian journal of chemical engineering 31, 19-26, 2014
Influence of the processing conditions and chemical environment on the crystal structures and phonon modes of lanthanide orthotantalates
KPF Siqueira, GB Carvalho, A Dias
Dalton Transactions 40 (37), 9454-9460, 2011
Atomic force and magnetic force microscopies applied to duplex stainless steels
A Dias, MS Andrade
Applied surface science 161 (1-2), 109-114, 2000
Raman Spectroscopy of (Ba1-xSrx)(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 Solid Solutions from Microwave-Hydrothermal Powders
A Dias, FM Matinaga, RL Moreira
Chemistry of materials 19 (9), 2335-2341, 2007
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