Sebastian Boppel
Sebastian Boppel
Physikalisches Institut, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany
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Cited by
CMOS integrated antenna-coupled field-effect transistors for the detection of radiation from 0.2 to 4.3 THz
S Boppel, A Lisauskas, M Mundt, D Seliuta, L Minkevicius, I Kasalynas, ...
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 60 (12), 3834 - 3843, 2012
THz Active Imaging Systems With Real-Time Capabilities
F Friederich, W von Spiegel, M Bauer, F Meng, MD Thomson, S Boppel, ...
Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on 1 (1), 183-200, 2011
Terahertz heterodyne detection with silicon field-effect transistors
D Glaab, S Boppel, A Lisauskas, U Pfeiffer, E Öjefors, HG Roskos
Applied physics letters 96 (4), 2010
Exploration of terahertz imaging with silicon MOSFETs
A Lisauskas, M Bauer, S Boppel, M Mundt, B Khamaisi, E Socher, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 35, 63-80, 2014
Antenna-coupled field-effect transistors for multi-spectral terahertz imaging up to 4.25 THz
M Bauer, R Venckevičius, I Kašalynas, S Boppel, M Mundt, L Minkevičius, ...
Optics express 22 (16), 19235-19241, 2014
Performance and performance variations of sub-1 THz detectors fabricated with 0.15 µm CMOS foundry process
S Boppel, A Lisauskas, V Krozer, HG Roskos
Electronics Letters 47 (11), 661-662, 2011
CMOS detector arrays in a virtual 10-kilopixel camera for coherent terahertz real-time imaging
S Boppel, A Lisauskas, A Max, V Krozer, HG Roskos
Optics Letters 37 (4), 536-538, 2012
Terahertz heterodyne imaging with InGaAs-based bow-tie diodes
L Minkevicius, V Tamosiunas, I Kasalynas, D Seliuta, G Valusis, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (13), 131101-131101-3, 2011
Subharmonic mixing with field-effect transistors: theory and experiment at 639 GHz high above f T
A Lisauskas, S Boppel, M Mundt, V Krozer, HG Roskos
Sensors Journal 13 (1), 124-132, 2012
0.25-GaN TeraFETs Optimized as THz Power Detectors and Intensity-Gradient Sensors
S Boppel, M Ragauskas, A Hajo, M Bauer, A Lisauskas, S Chevtchenko, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 6 (2), 348-350, 2016
Camera for high-speed THz imaging
J Zdanevičius, M Bauer, S Boppel, V Palenskis, A Lisauskas, V Krozer, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 36, 986-997, 2015
Terahertz responsivity and low-frequency noise in biased silicon field-effect transistors
A Lisauskas, S Boppel, J Matukas, V Palenskis, L Minkevičius, G Valušis, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (15), 2013
Deuteration distribution estimation with improved sequence coverage for HX/MS experiments
X Lou, M Kirchner, BY Renard, U Köthe, S Boppel, C Graf, CT Lee, ...
Bioinformatics 26 (12), 1535-1541, 2010
High-sensitivity wideband THz detectors based on GaN HEMTs with integrated bow-tie antennas
M Bauer, A Rämer, S Boppel, S Chevtchenko, A Lisauskas, W Heinrich, ...
2015 10th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 1-4, 2015
Efficient detection of 3 THz radiation from quantum cascade laser using silicon CMOS detectors
K Ikamas, A Lisauskas, S Boppel, Q Hu, HG Roskos
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 38, 1183-1188, 2017
Transferred-Substrate InP/GaAsSb Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Technology With~ 0.53 THz
NG Weimann, TK Johansen, D Stoppel, M Matalla, M Brahem, K Nosaeva, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65 (9), 3704-3710, 2018
Optimization of the design of terahertz detectors based on Si CMOS and AlGaN/GaN field-effect transistors
M Bauer, S Boppel, J Zhang, A Rämer, S Chevtchenko, A Lisauskas, ...
International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 25 (03n04), 1640013, 2016
Performance analysis of a low-noise, highly linear distributed amplifier in 500-nm InP/InGaAs DHBT technology
T Shivan, M Hossain, R Doerner, TK Johansen, H Yacoub, S Boppel, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 67 (12), 5139-5147, 2019
A highly efficient ultrawideband traveling-wave amplifier in InP DHBT technology
T Shivan, N Weimann, M Hossain, D Stoppel, S Boppel, O Ostinelli, ...
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 28 (11), 1029-1031, 2018
Detectors for terahertz multi-pixel coherent imaging and demonstration of real-time imaging with a 12x12-pixel CMOS array
A Lisauskas, S Boppel, M Saphar, V Krozer, L Minkevičius, ...
Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications III 8496, 104-112, 2012
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Articles 1–20