Pierre-Alain Binz
Pierre-Alain Binz
Head of laboratory, Clinical chemistry laboratory, CHUV
Patvirtintas el. paštas
ProteomeXchange provides globally coordinated proteomics data submission and dissemination
JA Vizcaíno, EW Deutsch, R Wang, A Csordas, F Reisinger, D Ríos, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (3), 223-226, 2014
Reorganizing the protein space at the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt)
UniProt Consortium
Nucleic acids research 40 (D1), D71-D75, 2012
Activities at the universal protein resource (UniProt)
UniProt Consortium
Nucleic acids research 42 (D1), D191-D198, 2014
The minimum information about a proteomics experiment (MIAPE)
CF Taylor, NW Paton, KS Lilley, PA Binz, RK Julian Jr, AR Jones, W Zhu, ...
Nature biotechnology 25 (8), 887-893, 2007
Update on activities at the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) in 2013
UniProt Consortium
Nucleic acids research 41 (D1), D43-D47, 2012
mzML—a community standard for mass spectrometry data
L Martens, M Chambers, M Sturm, D Kessner, F Levander, J Shofstahl, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 10 (1), 2011
Promoting coherent minimum reporting guidelines for biological and biomedical investigations: the MIBBI project
CF Taylor, D Field, SA Sansone, J Aerts, R Apweiler, M Ashburner, ...
Nature biotechnology 26 (8), 889-896, 2008
High-throughput mass spectrometric discovery of protein post-translational modifications
MR Wilkins, E Gasteiger, AA Gooley, BR Herbert, MP Molloy, PA Binz, ...
Journal of molecular biology 289 (3), 645-657, 1999
Metallothionein: molecular evolution and classification
PA Binz, JHR Kägi
Metallothionein Iv, 7-13, 1999
The mzIdentML data standard for mass spectrometry-based proteomics results
AR Jones, M Eisenacher, G Mayer, O Kohlbacher, J Siepen, SJ Hubbard, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11 (7), M111. 014381-1-M111. 014381-10, 2012
Heat shock proteins in human cancer
C Sarto, PA Binz, P Mocarelli
ELECTROPHORESIS: An International Journal 21 (6), 1218-1226, 2000
The mouse SWISS‐2D PAGE database: a tool for proteomics study of diabetes and obesity
JC Sanchez, D Chiappe, V Converset, C Hoogland, PA Binz, S Paesano, ...
Proteomics 1 (1), 136-163, 2001
Improving protein identification from peptide mass fingerprinting through a parameterized multi‐level scoring algorithm and an optimized peak detection
R Gras, M Müller, E Gasteiger, S Gay, PA Binz, W Bienvenut, C Hoogland, ...
ELECTROPHORESIS: An International Journal 20 (18), 3535-3550, 1999
A molecular scanner to automate proteomic research and to display proteome images
PA Binz, M Müller, D Walther, WV Bienvenut, R Gras, C Hoogland, ...
Analytical chemistry 71 (21), 4981-4988, 1999
Toward a clinical molecular scanner for proteome research: parallel protein chemical processing before and during western blot
WV Bienvenut, JC Sanchez, A Karmime, V Rouge, K Rose, PA Binz, ...
Analytical chemistry 71 (21), 4800-4807, 1999
MSight: An image analysis software for liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry
PM Palagi, D Walther, M Quadroni, S Catherinet, J Burgess, ...
Proteomics 5 (9), 2381-2384, 2005
Standard guidelines for the chromosome-centric human proteome project
YK Paik, GS Omenn, M Uhlen, S Hanash, G Marko-Varga, R Aebersold, ...
Journal of proteome research 11 (4), 2005-2013, 2012
Exploring glycopeptide-resistance in Staphylococcus aureus: a combined proteomics and transcriptomics approach for the identification of resistance-related markers
A Scherl, P François, Y Charbonnier, JM Deshusses, T Koessler, ...
BMC genomics 7, 1-16, 2006
The 1999 SWISS-2DPAGE database update
C Hoogland, JC Sanchez, L Tonella, PA Binz, A Bairoch, DF Hochstrasser, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 28 (1), 286-288, 2000
The PSI-MOD community standard for representation of protein modification data
L Montecchi-Palazzi, R Beavis, PA Binz, RJ Chalkley, J Cottrell, D Creasy, ...
Nature biotechnology 26 (8), 864-866, 2008
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