Miguel Piñeirua Menendez
Miguel Piñeirua Menendez
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Cited by
Wrinkling hierarchy in constrained thin sheets from suspended graphene to curtains
H Vandeparre, M Piñeirua, F Brau, B Roman, J Bico, C Gay, W Bao, ...
Physical Review Letters 106 (22), 224301, 2011
Capillary origami controlled by an electric field
M Pineirua, J Bico, B Roman
Soft Matter 6 (18), 4491-4496, 2010
Capillary buckling of a floating annulus
M Pineirua, N Tanaka, B Roman, J Bico
Soft Matter 9 (46), 10985-10992, 2013
Influence and optimization of the electrodes position in a piezoelectric energy harvesting flag
M Piñeirua, O Doaré, S Michelin
Journal of Sound and Vibration 346, 200-215, 2015
Resistive thrust production can be as crucial as added mass mechanisms for inertial undulatory swimmers
M Piñeirua, R Godoy-Diana, B Thiria
Physical Review E 92 (2), 021001, 2015
Modelling of an actuated elastic swimmer
M Piñeirua, B Thiria, R Godoy-Diana
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 829, 731-750, 2017
Evaluation of refrigerator/freezer gaskets thermal loads
G Huelsz, F Gómez, M Pineirua, J Rojas, M de Alba, V Guerra
HVAC&R Research 17 (2), 133-143, 2011
Locomotion of ants walking up slippery slopes of granular materials
A Humeau, M Piñeirua, J Crassous, J Casas
Integrative Organismal Biology 1 (1), obz020, 2019
Spooling and disordered packing of elastic rods in cylindrical cavities
M Pineirua, M Adda-Bedia, S Moulinet
Europhysics Letters 104 (1), 14005, 2013
Vibratory behaviour produces different vibration patterns in presence of reproductives in a subterranean termite species
L Pailler, S Desvignes, F Ruhland, M Pineirua, C Lucas
Scientific reports 11 (1), 9902, 2021
Synchronized switch harvesting applied to piezoelectric flags
M Piñeirua, S Michelin, D Vasic, O Doaré
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (8), 085004, 2016
Overcoming drag at the water-air interface constrains body size in whirligig beetles
L Jami, GT Gustafson, T Steinmann, M Piñeirua, J Casas
Fluids 6 (7), 249, 2021
Flow energy harvesting with piezoelectric flags
O Doaré, S Michelin, M Pineirua, Y Xia
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45530 …, 2014
Fluid mixing by an electromagnetically driven floating rotor
S Piedra, J Flores, G Ramírez, A Figueroa, M Piñeirua, S Cuevas
Physical Review E 108 (2), 025101, 2023
ÉLASTICITÉ ET INTERFACES: des gouttes et des plis
M Pineirua
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI, 2011
Capillary origami controlled by electrowetting
M Pineirua, J Bico, B Roman
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2010, P11. 007, 2010
Assessing learning in mosquito larvae using video-tracking
M Dessart, M Piñeirúa, CR Lazzari, FJ Guerrieri
Journal of Insect Physiology 149, 104535, 2023
Estimating surface tension of moth sex pheromones
A Tiryaeva, M Piñeirua, D Guyot, G Amselem, S Bourrigaud, J Casas
Chemoecology, 1-9, 2024
Reversed steady streaming generated by a free-moving magnet.
A Figueroa, S Piedra, M Piñeirua, S Cuevas
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2023
Substrate-mediated leg interactions play a key role in insect stability on granular slopes
M Piñeirua, A Verbe, J Casas
Physical Review E 108 (1), 014903, 2023
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Articles 1–20