Gangmin Li
Gangmin Li
AP in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Named entity recognition using BERT BiLSTM CRF for Chinese electronic health records
Z Dai, X Wang, P Ni, Y Li, G Li, X Bai
2019 12th international congress on image and signal processing, biomedical …, 2019
Efficient location privacy algorithm for Internet of Things (IoT) services and applications
S Gang, C Victor, R Muthu, Z Sun, L Gangmin, YHL Dan
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 1-11, 2016
Compendium: Making meetings into knowledge events
A Selvin, S Buckingham Shum, M Seirhuis, J Conklin, B Zimmerman, ...
Sensemaking tools for understanding research literatures: Design, implementation and user evaluation
V Uren, SB Shum, M Bachler, G Li
International journal of human-computer studies 64 (5), 420-445, 2006
Modeling naturalistic argumentation in research literatures: Representation and interaction design issues
SJ Buckingham Shum, V Uren, G Li, B Sereno, C Mancini
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 22 (1), 17-47, 2007
Natural language understanding approaches based on joint task of intent detection and slot filling for IoT voice interaction
P Ni, Y Li, G Li, V Chang
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 16149-16166, 2020
Visualizing internetworked argumentation
S Buckingham Shum, V Uren, G Li, J Domingue, E Motta
Visualizing argumentation: Software tools for collaborative and educational …, 2003
Claimaker: Weaving a semantic web of research papers
G Li, V Uren, E Motta, SB Shum, J Domingue
The Semantic Web—ISWC 2002: First International Semantic Web Conference …, 2002
Anomaly detection by using streaming K-means and batch K-means
Z Wang, Y Zhou, G Li
2020 5th IEEE international conference on big data analytics (ICBDA), 11-17, 2020
Scholarly publishing and argument in hyperspace
V Uren, SB Shum, G Li, J Domingue, E Motta
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on World Wide Web, 244-250, 2003
StaResGRU-CNN with CMedLMs: A stacked residual GRU-CNN with pre-trained biomedical language models for predictive intelligence
P Ni, G Li, PCK Hung, V Chang
Applied Soft Computing 113, 107975, 2021
Classification of Genetic mutations for cancer treatment with machine learning approaches
G Li, B Yao
International Journal of Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits …, 2018
Big data real time ingestion and machine learning
G Pal, G Li, K Atkinson
2018 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2018
Shifting matrix management: a model for multi-agent cooperation
G Li, AA Hopgood, MJ Weller
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 16 (3), 191-201, 2003
A hybrid siamese neural network for natural language inference in cyber-physical systems
P Ni, Y Li, G Li, V Chang
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 21 (2), 1-25, 2021
Credit risk scoring analysis based on machine learning models
Z Qiu, Y Li, P Ni, G Li
2019 6th International Conference on Information Science and Control …, 2019
Multi-agent big-data lambda architecture model for e-commerce analytics
G Pal, G Li, K Atkinson
Data 3 (4), 58, 2018
The OMII software distribution
J Bradley, C Brown, B Carpenter, V Chang, J Crisp, S Crouch, ...
Understanding negative sampling in knowledge graph embedding
J Qian, G Li, K Atkinson, Y Yue
AICC, 2021
A joint model of clinical domain classification and slot filling based on RCNN and BiGRU-CRF
Y Li, P Ni, J Peng, J Zhu, Z Dai, G Li, X Bai
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 6133-6135, 2019
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